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 Online Poll
Do you think the firehall would be a good place for a new ambulance centre if we build a new fire station?
No   70     43%
Yes   91     57%
 Total Votes: 161

Comments   Add Your Own
New Base  ( January 22, 2009)
BLA BLA BLA....Go check out the Ambulance base for yourselves.... Were lucky they don't go on Strike or refuse to work because of poor, unsafe working conditions..
Hockey Dad  ( January 21, 2009)
Well Mike I agree that if you were able to find a renter you would have rented it out. Obviously you can't afford to have empty space. My point was if a quality tenant came along, ie a restaurant,video store, etc it would have been a better use of the space, from the communities perspective, than an ambulance dispatch center. But good for you guys. You have as quality, long term tenant now and they pay well. I was making the point it was prime real estate for some commercial development and as far as I'm concerned if we had levels of government that worked together they would have agreed that having everything in one building only makes sense. Besides, what was wrong with the Old St Joes hospital? Old building but far to good to tear down so why can it not be used?
tjg  ( January 16, 2009)
Why do we only see the comments you like and not all of them?
Mike  ( January 16, 2009)
I think Hockey Dads comment about prime real estate gone to ambulance dispatch is misplaced. The ambulance got in there because no one was renting the space! It has sat empty since those condos were built. I agree that the ambulance and firehall should go together for many reasons. If the downtown firehall isn't good enough for the firefighters then what makes it good enough for the ambulance?
save some  ( January 16, 2009)
Who said anything about moving buildings? Use the site they are on now. No wonder things around here are so expensive. Think about it....
  ( January 16, 2009)
At the end of the day... does it really matter what any of us think? Good luck on any future issues Kenora... your time to show concern has lapsed (unless of course input is requested on menial decisions to give one a 'sense' of voice).
Chuck  ( January 16, 2009)
Of course the two units should be in the same building. Barsky Hill is a good location. What do some responders mean "by remote". Time is of the essence. But I am pretty confident the response time to anywhere in Kenora will not be affected by being on Barsky Hill. Besides why can't those closer to this location have a faster response time?
RH  ( January 16, 2009)
The question to me sounds like: Should the ambulance center move into the old FireHall on 2nd street when we build a new Hall? That may be a viable and cost efficient solution.
Hockey Dad  ( January 15, 2009)
The sad reality is that the Kenora District Services Board is too concerned with empire building to ever join with the fire hall. And honestly a shared facility makes sense....common training room, kitchen, fitness room etc...but it will never fly. Particularily since our council has alienated itself from other area communities and therefore could never come to any agreement with the other voting members anyway. This is the same reason the ambulance dispatch has been put in the Island View condos. Prime retail space taken forever by the ambulance dispatch. It would have made sense for the dispatch center to be in with the two emergency departments they dispatch. But not in this town, not with the way our council works. People, thanks to them we are losing ground and going backwards. The decisions they are making now will cost us for many years to come.
Jamie  ( January 15, 2009)
I was against having the ambulance by Tim Hortons because it wasn't central. I am against having the fire hall on Barsky's hill for the same reason. However, if we are going to move the fire hall to a 'remote' location, at least we can have ambulances get to the scene on time. They will be on time to save lives!
