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How would you rate city snow clearing operations following last weekend's heavy snowfall?
Excellent   39     14%
Fair   47     17%
Good   44     16%
Poor   143     52%
 Total Votes: 273

Comments   Add Your Own
Hockey Dad  ( January 15, 2009)
I bet that in six months from now we won't even remember how bad the roads were. Of course six years from now we will still be feeling this councils hangover... But snow clearing isn't the equipment operators fault...you have to look higher up the tree to blame someone. Lack of budget money or a guy who wants to do it his way whether is works or not. You decide. Of course we can't say what we really feel or we might get sued by council.
Kenora resident  ( January 14, 2009)
Our streets are like ice roads. It's very unsafe and hopefully with the warm weather coming the city can clean-up our streets.
Chris  ( January 14, 2009)
When the city employees do remove the snow they do an excellent job. But they can only do what they are told. Another good thing about "The City of Kenora" It's all fun and games till someone gets hurt.
slippery  ( January 14, 2009)
Well over half of the city residents, business owners etc have defaulted on their taxes; as a result the City has cut road maintenance this winter. Road maintenance in the Kenora area is a joke. We have about the same level of road maintenance as the unorganized areas. The city is also saving money for the construction of a merry go round in front of both Tim Hortons to ease the traffic congestion…..that is why they are so stingy with the salt and sand. I have seen more salt and sand on LOTW ice roads.
DM  ( January 14, 2009)
I'm confused about the manner that they complete snow removal... it does seem like they just go wherever they feel like going. Why aren't there priority sections of town? Third Street North was plowed and sidewalks cleared even before other more busy downtown streets. Sidewalks in Lakeside haven't been plowed since early December. Portions of streets are having their snow banks removed while the rest of the same street is left untouched (ie. Main Street in front of Boston Pizza where angle parking + snow banks = very little road room left). It seems simple to me, but obviously there is a problem with management. It makes a lot of sense to remove snow at night or early morning as most cities do, especially in the downtown area.
  ( January 14, 2009)
There is a lot of student traffic on Valley Drive in the mornings. The city decided to use their mega snowblower and six dump trucks to clear the snow off the sides while the kids were walking to school. Vehicular traffic was backed up from the Loaf and Jug to past the T.A. turnoff. Thankfully no kids were gobbled up by the snowblower. I think the brainiac that scheduled this should be fired.
Richard  ( January 12, 2009)
When we invent a way of turning 'complaining' into 'energy', Kenora will have the most robust economy in the country!
KenWest  ( January 12, 2009)
The highway through Keewatin is a disaster, and accident that has happened, and is waiting to happen.
J&M Resident  ( January 11, 2009)
When the Peterson Road was under the control of the J&M public works crew the snow clearing was awesome, now my taxes have tripled and the snow plow comes about a week after the snow fall or not at all. They like to wait until there is a foot or two of snow on the road, or they have nothing better to do!
Paul  ( January 11, 2009)
During the snowstorm the streets were not plowed or sanded until the police ordered it done. With highway 17A closed due to an accident, traffic was routed through town for a while. Once the police and drivers found out that no one could negotiate the roundabout or get through the intersection at A&W, the OPP were told not to send traffic through town. So much for east west commerce. it all stopped in lovely Kenora!! How embarrassing.
