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 Online Poll
Will 2009 in Kenora, compared to 2008, be the same, better or worse?
Better   52     28%
Same   31     17%
Worse   103     55%
 Total Votes: 186

Comments   Add Your Own
  ( January 8, 2009)
Nice to see so many optimists. I guess your LOCKED IN pensions aren't spiralling downward at a rate that would make your nose bleed. It's nice to keep your chin up and hope for the best, the reality is the economy BITES and will continue to do so. We're in for a rough one, not just Kenora, of course, but Canada and everywhere else you could possibly think of. That's the way it is. Compared to that, the roundabout, or whatever other problems we thought we had will pale in comparison. Fasten your seatbelts and instead of complaining start planning and plotting a course that may save your bacon.
  ( January 7, 2009)
As long as there are deer, smiles, sunshine, family, friends, health and dreams... every year is a good year.
Joe  ( January 6, 2009)
We are in a down slide i think it can only get worse for our area we are feeling the pulp mill shutdown now it finally caught up the stud mill shutdown Trus Joist only runnin 2 days a week people are not spending as much not like the city who is spending beyond their means right now but taxes are going up. The Compton circle (seems every mayor has to put their mark somewhere on this city) what a joke wait till this summer we have traffic backups and trucks already stuck in this fine piece of engineering (not). Wait till we get the bill from the OPP in the next time they negotiate the next contract as far as the city council; get your kicks in now you won't be around next election.
Mike  ( January 5, 2009)
I see the seers of doom are numbered high among us. Many spiritual leaders have quoted something that goes along the lines of. "What you envision, what you believe and what manifests is always a match." So when you have nothing but bad luck in 2009 instead of saying "I told you so!" Try thinking... I wonder if I am doing this to myself? Some bad things will always happen but if we continue to look for the silver lining we will eventually find fewer dark clouds on our horizon.
Zut Alors  ( January 5, 2009)
Due to the economic crunch around the globe, I don't see how Kenora will escape a miserable downturn. True, unlike a lot of other places in Canada to date, we already have, but we have only seen the tip of the iceberg, as yet. It's going to get worse. Having said that, I am still looking forward to the completion of the Big Spruce and am liking the new Main Street look. Kudos to Tilley's - looks great! As well as Verti-Shade and the Plaza. Our downtown merchants had a horrible year and I'm sure Christmas did not even come close to recouping the summer losses, however, other merchants and businesses were affected as well - let's not forget that. I don't see 2009 as being at all successful, economically, maybe we can get on our feet for 2010. One still has to hope.
Dana  ( January 4, 2009)
It is what you make of it! Let's make it a good year for Kenora.
 ( January 3, 2009)
Kenora should be about the same in 2009. Don't see much changed.., it was all last year, with the construction. As far as the economy goes, we are no different from any other small town in Canada. The cost of living is actually more reasonable here than most, and living in Sunset Country will always be a hustle and bustle place come the warmer weather. Everyone just stick to doin' what your doin' and it will be ok. If your that worried about it, move. Try somewhere else and see how better it gets !
LENNY  ( January 3, 2009)
Well I'm voting better cause they can't get worse.
I'm lookin forward to driving that roundabout –
also the new Timmys is righy in my path.
Not so agreeable  ( January 2, 2009)
2009 will bring many repairs to the cirle of doom, and the curbs on main street that everyone drives over, and good looks are not going to keep the economy alive in Kenora. We need something for our future to draw people year round. What about our children? There is nothing here for them at all. This new year will be a challenge. Good luck to all and hope for job security 'Happy New Year'
Paula  ( January 2, 2009)
What I am really concerned about are isolationist Native communities choosing not to help themselves and leaders should be encouraging people to work. The govenments can never do enough if you don't contribute to help yourself by making an honest living no matter who you are. Working will immediately improve people's own condition no matter what it is that you do. Good on those community leaders that are really trying. Everyone apprecieates your hard work and efforts. We don't need politics, you need something to do. The Treaties never dreamt that people would have to stay on the reserve and be 100% government supported. We share the land by paying taxes - from one end of the country to the other-way outside the Treaty areas. We share the land by allowing anyone to start business, to invest, work, build roads, provide health care, education-more than what any Treaty states. This is not sarcasim, I live here, you live here. The economy is something that is ongoing since man had the desire to improve his condition. Its build on people's creativity, hard work and simply finds a way around obstacles. I am hoping Natives can see this. I really think improvement is within their own individual grasp and it's close at hand-but its always an ongoing effort-until we die. There is nothing you can't achieve though.
