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 Online Poll
Where are you going to celebrate New Years?
Bar or restaurant   30     13%
House party   39     17%
None of the above   31     14%
Nowhere   26     12%
Quietly at home   99     44%
 Total Votes: 225

Comments   Add Your Own
  ( December 30, 2008)
In response to Sandy's post. I'm very sorry that you and your husband find yourselves friendless in Kenora. I moved here, on my own, 8 years ago and through work, neighbours and community events found that friends were everywhere. Do you and your husband not socialize? Work? There are many diverse social "sections" in this town, surely you can find a niche for yourselves? Otherwise, Sandy, I really feel that (just maybe?) the fault lies with yourselves. Kenora may not be the friendliest place in the world, but with some effort and normalcy I find that, generally, everyone is accepted. If you're telling us that out of a town of approximately 15,000 you can't find ANY friends then I'd really have to say that the reason is not just Kenora's fault.
Sandy  ( December 29, 2008)
My husband and I will host a house party. Oh wait, we can't! we don't have any friends. Lucky us to move to friendly Kenora. The fine citizens of this community really like newcomers paying taxes but do not welcome them. Come on Kenora, wake up, be an ambassador for your community. Instead of chasing new people away, open your hearts and be genuinely friendly. No wonder we can't keep any professionals here. It's going to be another long, lonely New Years Eve. By the way, my resolution is to find another job and move, hopefully somewhere that people truly want us.
Cheryle  ( December 29, 2008)
I am going to thank God that we are alive and well and have many opportunities to do things that a lot of people don't in this world.
alan  ( December 28, 2008)
I'm goin to celebrate the passing of the worst police service in the country, and to a new begining with the OPP. Maybe now the law will be enforced in Kenora.
Dana  ( December 26, 2008)
I'm going to think about all of the ways that Kenora can advance socially and economically. I think this will be a very exciting year of change for Kenora. Let's move forward!!
  ( December 26, 2008)
Considering two of them are not running again, I hardly think you'll feel better. I am all for the shoe idea! I'll spend my New Year's Eve and all the days of the rest of my life praying to the soldiers who died for our freedom, built our democracy and had it stripped in Kenora by 4 people who's egos won't permit our thanks to flourish. Poor, poor Kenora.
Larry  ( December 24, 2008)
I am going to sit and reflect on the 3 councillors and the arrogant mayor who will never get my vote to council again. Main reason the policing.
Zut Alors  ( December 24, 2008)
I'm with Eddy! I'm going to find the biggest pair of steeltoed work boots I can lay my hands on. I will spend New Year's reflecting on what a year this has been and fervently praying that we, as a Country, will be in better hands.
Eddy  ( December 24, 2008)
I am going to spend my holiday going through my shoe cupboard. If a pair of shoes are good enough for George Bush, maybe a few members of council would like a pair too.
