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 Online Poll
When do you think we will have another federal election?
0 to 3 months   33     21%
3 to 6 months   37     23%
6 to 12 months   41     26%
More than 6 months   47     30%
 Total Votes: 158

Comments   Add Your Own
  ( December 16, 2008)
I tend to agree that local issues are best first in a local paper. We have little opportunity for input and this is a super venue for expression. The people need to be able to feel like they are being heard... so don't be afraid to ask the hard questions. A five minute deputation to the wall in council chambers isn't cutting it. The next local election can't come soon enough!
Zut Alors  ( December 15, 2008)
I've completely lost heart and faith in ANY government. Another waste of taxpayers money. The Conservatives fumbled here and we're paying the freight. They can argue all they want, they are trying to make it look as though they were trying to save money but, really, all they wanted to do was take funding away from the other parties so, they could increase their chances of a majority in the next election. $20 million doesn't mean diddley any longer and Harper and his cronies spend a lot more in wasteful ways, without blinking an eye. They got caught with their pants down. This is the first election I absolutely refuse to vote in. After all, it's been proven it really does not matter.
  ( December 14, 2008)
It should be a referendum on the new fire hall and policing as well.
LENNY  ( December 13, 2008)
What does it matter? Its been proven our votes don't mean diddley squat anyway.
Linda  ( December 13, 2008)
Talk about greed, can't get in legally lets use the back door.
Stanley  ( December 12, 2008)
Who cares about a federal election right now? How about centering your question on something municipal that pertains to the tax-paying public, such as; What are your views on being fined for feeding animals; how does the tax-paying public feel about forking out five million dollars for a fire hall by the 'Taj Mahal'; why is the tax-paying public not privie to talks held in regards to Tunnel Island; how does the community feel to have multiple condos built on some of our most desirable shore-lines in Kenora; why aren't any other street/streets in town being fixed or up-graded, or is that exclusive to Main st. only? The local questions can go on and on,but, sadly, each one is a ticking time bomb that mayor-du-jour and council would never want to touch with a 3.5 m pole, lest they open up a Pandoras' Box.(again). The only way to get an honest answer is to ask an honest question. Unfortunately,in Kenora,our questions asked to mare and council seem to ALWAYS fall on convenient deaf ears! The same ears that open when it falls within their (hidden) agenda.
