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Did Governor General Michaelle Jean make the right decision to prorogue Parliament until the New Year?
No   73     33%
Yes   145     67%
 Total Votes: 218

Comments   Add Your Own
Jeff  ( December 11, 2008)
Funny how the same people who have a problem with a coalition government now, didn't have a problem with the previous Conservative-Liberal coalition that misran the country before the election.
Bingo  ( December 10, 2008)
Your vote does matter, what you say counts. Don't fall into the defeatest class of complainers. Be informed and open to ideas and continue to contribute. We live in one of the great democracies of the world. Canadians are peaceful, generous, law abiding and if you work honestly to provide for yourself and family, help teach your children to adapt, live life on experiences and keep trying, you'll survive. Don't follow the whiners, complainers that only know critisim and find fault without contributing. Nothing will get done. I love this country and all Canadians. We're going to be here forever.
Mark E  ( December 10, 2008)
Finally, the GG actually earned her paycheck! Harper made a mistake big time by trying to change campaign financing but not dealing with the economy. That shows a complete lack of insight into how to run a minority government. Dion and Layton displayed a lust for power by siding with the Bloc. So did Rae and that is why he had to bow out of the leadership race. (Gilles D. is the only smart leader out there, too bad he's a separtist). Ignatief will work with Harper because he is smart and knows that if we don't fix this economic mess, all the current politicians will be tainted (like Rae from the 90s)and their careers will be capped. I am an anti-idealogue, so Liberal is my natural choice but I voted Conservative because of Dion, and will likely switch to Liberal if Iggy shows the fiscal pragmatism of Harper, without Harper's ideological leanings.
Atik Dootam  ( December 10, 2008)
To Hypocrite:

1) Whether they merge before or after an election is totally irrelevant... 62% of Canadian voters are behind them and are not faulting them for forming a coalition...

2) A blanket vote is exactly what majority governments practice, if they indeed, have that mandate from the voters. If the coalition has enough parliamentary voting power, as, the majority, to form the government and they followed the rules of parliament to arrive to that position, then, then why shouldn't they as a coalition government be able to pass motions and legislation in the best interests of Canada?

3) Maybe! Maybe, the Liberals called an election and the Conservatives were elected in as a minority government? Maybe, the Conservatives catered to the Bloc for several years until they could no longer buy them off and the Bloc decided that Harper and his cronies weren't concerned with the distinct issues of Quebecers?
Hypocrite  ( December 9, 2008)
To Atik
1) The Conservatives and the Reform merged and became one. The Liberals, NDP, and Bloc did not merge. If they did, I don't think anyone could then fault what they are doing.

2) working with the other parties, including the Bloc, to obtain a vote on a particular issue is one thing. A blanket "yes" vote, on all issues, for eighteen months, before you even know what the issue is, sounds completely different to me.

3) Maybe after laying all the cards on the table, a P.C. Bloc coalition was thought to be the wrong thing to do -- so it never happened. Wasn't there a Tom Cruise movie about people being jailed for thinking about doing a crime even though they didn't do it?
les  ( December 8, 2008)
It doesn't matter which governement we have no matter what, we in Kenora and the northwest region always go unheard of. the citizens of Kenora and Northwestern Ontario always get shafted. The economy in this area is atrocious, yet the merchants are wondering why we spend our money elsewhere. For example, gas prices are so low everywhere else except here in Kenora, I ask the merchants why, they never give you a straight answer. You shop for winter clothing for your children, and compare the same brands to another town and city, their prices are lower. Wake up Kenora, you guys always talk about the economy, yet you guys complain that there is nobody to buy your product. You want Kenora people and surrounding communities to spend their money here, lower the prices, if you do that people will come.
Danny  ( December 8, 2008)
Well said Robert. However, it looks like Boob will lose out to the guy with the eyebrows. Funny thing is now he is crying about "back room politics"! Isn't that how this whole mess started.
Any way the GG made the right call. Hopefully after this she will order a new election and let us vote for whom we want to govern.
A note to those who didn't vote last time, if you had, maybe we wouldn't be going through this mess!
For Mainstream working society  ( December 8, 2008)
I'm really glad Kenora finally got it right by voting in a representative of the elected government. We have some pretty bizarre communities in this riding, that can never get enough free handouts and they will never go forward because they keep looking back. The GG had no choice, she had to listen to reason, we HAVE to move forward. If anything, we'll have another election. This coalition represents the bizarre, I can see why some will want it.
Randy  ( December 8, 2008)
Does anyone really think that this coalition was formed for the benefit of the Canadian taxpayer? Far from it, it was formed to protect the political parties that proposed it and the jobs of those in these political parties. Remember Harper had indicated that he would like to cut funding for political parties. Doing so would devastate the already poor Liberals and most likely all other parties. With no money it would most certainly be more difficult to get elected and keep hold of those cushy six figure politician incomes. The coalition without doubt was out to protect themselves first and foremost.
Robert  ( December 7, 2008)
I use to live in Kenora but now live in Wpg. I well remember the Boob Rae days when his government ran Ontario into the ground. Now Rae and the separtist/socialist coalition want to do to Canada what the Boob did to Ontario. The Bloc, NDP, and the Boob Rae Liberals are hard core anti business, pro union, blood sucking socialists hell bent on taking power from a duely elected government. People in Kenora should remember how THE UNION because of their greed screwed the town with the result that Kenora's industrial base is now gone and property taxes are going through the roof.
