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Should the fitness centre at Kenora Rec Centre once again be named the Michael Smith Fitness Centre?

No   96     45%
Yes   119     55%
 Total Votes: 215

Comments   Add Your Own
Mark  ( December 4, 2008)
Why not name it the Mike Fitness Centre which covers both of our famous atheletes and the kid who will not eat.
LENNY  ( December 4, 2008)
Quit complaining. Gee, you people, lets try a little happiness around here really!!!!
Gordon  ( December 2, 2008)
Well I have a membership there for the last four years and haven't once seen Micheal Smith in the fitness room. However, there has been a lot of people who belong to this gym that have won awards in body building/fitness competitions. There are also those in triathlon that have placed high in their standing. The Iron man champ from a couple of years ago also is a part of this fitness centre. These people have a lot of humility when it comes to their accomplishments and I'm proud of them. These are people that live here, pay taxes here, pay for a membership and are a great inspiration for those of us that go there. To name a facility after one individual only diminishes the individuality of this place and undermines the importance of those who are there making strides in their particular sport. I strongly urge the community to leave the name of the facility as the "Kenora Fitness Centre". This is Kenora's fitness centre paid for in part by the tax payers of this community and should remain as part of this community in name not for someones single accomplishment but by all of our large and small accomplishments. There is a wall with plaques of those who have received acclaim in their sport and that's how it should stay. No one is any greater or less then the other and we need to remember this.
Will  ( December 1, 2008)
In a few years people will say "Michael Who?" Personally, I always had trouble with organizations naming a building or anything else after a living person. We don't have a crystal ball to know what will become of this person down the road.
les  ( December 1, 2008)
Why did they change it in the first place? Besides he no longer lives here and hasn't been for a long time, just leave it the way it is.
Chuck  ( November 30, 2008)
Of course the fitness centre should be once again named after Michael Smith. It should of never been changed in the first place. It just goes to show money can buy anything. Hmm... maybe us citizens of J.M. and Keewatin can buy the rights to the city of Kenora and rename it?
Nadine  ( November 29, 2008)
Mike brought Kenora worldwide aclaim as a world class decathlete. He has a Commonwealth Gold medal. He was Canada's flag bearer in an opening cermonies of the olympic games. Bobby Orr hasn't played hockey for years yet Parry Sound still recognizes him. Why should Kenora turn its back on honouring Mike? Yes, naming some part of the facility will most definitely pay him tribute. We still remember the Thistles Stanley cup more than 100 years ago.
Paula  ( November 29, 2008)
I would like to see a nice plaque placed inside the rec centre to commenorate Mike Smith. Kenora is a special place with a a lot of spirit. I will always be from Kenora. I believe we need to recoginze a lot people that have grown up in our little town, in the middle of Canada-a country we dealy love. We recognize our position in northwestern Ontario. We are a special place. We produce special people that contribute to Ontario, Canada and the World, make no mistake about it. We love life here.
Jane  ( November 29, 2008)
Selling the naming rights would keep the cost of registration down ensuring all could make use of the facility.
RH  ( November 29, 2008)
To name it after one individual when there are so many that deserve it would be wrong. "The Kenora Recreation Center" sounds just fine considering so many Kenorites put a huge amount of effort into it. A wall of fame inside is the best way to honor all local athletes who excell in there sport.
