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 Online Poll
Do you anticipate your Christmas spending, as compared to previous years, will be more, the same or less?
Less   115     52%
More   37     17%
Same   71     32%
 Total Votes: 223

Comments   Add Your Own
BR  ( November 28, 2008)
I,m tired of being told where I should spend MY hard earned money. If I want to go to Winnipeg or the states to shop, that's entirely up to me.
 ( November 27, 2008)
i will continue to shop local. and more than likely spend about the same amount as i always have. remember folks its not the 'gift'.., but the thought that counts..:) purchase only what one can afford.., the economy got you down..,cheer up, things are tough all over !
RH  ( November 27, 2008)
I have yet to see prices so low in Wpg where the savings have actually paid for my gas, meals, accomadations and wear&tear on my car. The local merchants do there best to give us good mechandise at fair prices, and the service is far better than I have ever gotten in a big city mall. Maybe its not crappy service,maybe its a crappy customer. A trip to the city should be considered a get a way. Not a "let's screw the local merchants".
LENNY  ( November 26, 2008)
If xmas was done of as it was intended spending and gifts would not be an issue. Most folks havent a clue of the origin, yes sad but very true.
tjg  ( November 26, 2008)
I will go where I get the best bang for my buck! Out of town seems to be the way to go, service in Kenora is horrible and prices are too high. Boo hoo to the local merchants.
Jack  ( November 26, 2008)
Ooh, the inhumanity. People saying and writing the word Christmas. In today's politicaly correct Canada "Christmas" is taboo because it may offend someone. So we can no longer have a Christmas tree but rather a holiday tree and Christmas carols are verboten don't you know. Obviously, the lunatics are running the asylum and us sheep acquiesce. Shame on us all.
Mike  ( November 25, 2008)
Since almost all local merchants prices are at or even better than Winnipeg and right now there is free parking downtown, there is no reason not to shop local. Think about the next time your curling club or the hockey/football etc... teams from local schools need prizes for a event. Guess who supplies those? The old adage applies, use it or lose it.
Heather  ( November 24, 2008)
I shop local where I can, but honestly the overpriced tourist-targeted merchandise at 80 per cent of the local Kenora stores doesn't make it an affordable option.
Eddy  ( November 24, 2008)
I am anticipating less as I plan to shop elsewhere for what I need. We are just starting into the Christmas season and I find that the items advertised on sale in the flyers are not even in the store or these stores don't carry them. Then when you get to the cashier with the few items you pick up but don't really need there is only one cash register open with a line up of 8-10 people. I should shop locally because?
Gord  ( November 23, 2008)
I'll spend about the same this year. Want Kenora to survive the bad economy? Shop local. Customers should give Kenora businesses a chance to win their business and Kenora businesses should take good care of their home town customers with reasonable prices and decent service. That's how we'll survive this economic downturn.
