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 Online Poll
Do you have or plan to have snow tires on your vehicle this winter?
No   63     46%
Yes   75     54%
 Total Votes: 138

Comments   Add Your Own
Zut Alors  ( November 20, 2008)
Like a lot of people, I just can't afford them. Instead, I drive a lot slower (at least 10 km under speed limit) I pay very close attention to the vehicles in front - at least 6 and am prepared to stop safely. I leave at least 3 car lengths between myself and the vehicle in front of me. I think about where I will be going, before I go...ie. hills? known to be icy? I also don't come back from the 'Peg at 3:00am.,I stay overnight. It's called defensive driving. I hope, even after I can afford winter tires, I will practice these measures and not become complacent, thinking that the tires will do everything for me.
Monique  ( November 19, 2008)
Yes, I want the best kind. At any cost.
Linda  ( November 19, 2008)
I would love to have them but the cost of two sets of tires is a little too much for my pocket book. If it becomes law to have them is the government going to help offset the cost?
Progressive Redneck  ( November 18, 2008)
I wasn't going to put snow tires on my car until last week, I found myself in my new car, sliding sideways down on a hill in Kenora. That made me put down the cash and hunt all the stores for new snows and rims.
Randy  ( November 15, 2008)
Would love to get snow tires for my car and help give me and my family that little extra bit of safety but the cost prohibits me from doing so. Just hope we have a mild winter
RH  ( November 15, 2008)
I intend to put new snow tires on both my vehicles. I used them on my previous vehicle and the difference from all season tires was night and day (or summer and winter). Unfortunately because Quebec decided to pass a law at the last minute there is a shortage and we will be well into winter before my tires arrive.
