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Should the Ontario government increase tuition fee subsidies for university and college students?

No   70     52%
Yes   65     48%
 Total Votes: 135

Comments   Add Your Own
Maxine  ( November 13, 2008)
I have a family member in university. He's worked since age 12 or 13, has saved, had scholorships and worked while at university. He's very responsible with money & doesn't blow it on booze and wild living. But he's still accumulated debt. Even if higher education doesn't lead to a high paying job it helps build character and teaches kids how to think so even a BA is a plus for the student and for Canada. Our kids shouldn't have to start their working lives up to their eyeballs in debt. But what's with one persons suggestion to cut seniors subsidies. I might be grey and wrinkled but I'm still a productive citizen of Canada. If politicians spent money wisely there'd be enough to subsidize education, seniors, etc.
Bob  ( November 13, 2008)
To Heather: Ouch, that hurt ... but here I go again.
The U.S. has Joe the Plumber and Canada has Bob the Taxpayer. Bob's tired of subsidizing partiers and studiers, knowing (at least the studiers) will go on to make a much better living than Bob ever made.
Ever see a doctor or lawyer suffering a meager existence because of their student loan payments?
Check out the student parking lot at a university and see what kind of cars they can afford.
Go to the bars and restaurants on the weekends and see who's dropping money like it's going out of style.
Dennis  ( November 13, 2008)
One must have a "trade" these days, whether it be a carpenter or a doctor. Maybe subsidize areas where there are "trade" shortages. As long as students don't come here just for the subsidy and then leave the country.
Phil  ( November 13, 2008)
Wholly smokes..were in the midst of arguably the biggest economic crises of all time and we have people who say we should help subsidize education? Personal and business bankruptcies are on the rise and we should subsidize education? Seniors retirement incomes are in jeopardy and we should subsidize education? People still can't find a family doctor in this province and we should subsidize education? Many children in our province go to school hungry and we should subsidize education? Those who think that we should be subsidizing education during these times are self centered, thinking only of themselves and their perceived hardships. Well open your eyes people, many many more people in this province with far greater hardships than yours. When it comes to priorities, subsidizing education falls to the bottom of the list.
  ( November 13, 2008)
Thank you Heather! I can't believe this particular question has hit such a nerve. I can tell which people have paid for secondary education(s) and which are clueless. I, too, would like to see Canadian students excel in academic programs such as science, medicine HOWEVER to categorize those programs as being the only acceptable or useful ultimate employment options is not only myopic it's downright unrealistic and totalitarian in its delivery! And, Chuck, we don't need a draft, we'd like to keep out of wars, thank you very much. Why don't we just send kids, fresh out of high school to Pakistan to spread the "Canadian Word" for a year - mandatory. Good, Lord. Better yet, why don't we just force them to spend eternity here, working for minimum wage? After all, they'll then learn what the "real" world is like. The idea is not to punish but to make realize, yes, how good we have it as Canadians, although I recall that when we were teenagers, we were no different than the kids now. So, to all you adults who seem to think that school is about partying and useless degrees, I would suggest you start talking to some of these students, not just reading the occasional shock magazine article and surmising, from that limited (and usually skewed information) source that all students spend the year drunk, on someone else's money.
Chuck  ( November 12, 2008)
I think Canada should have the draft. Then after serving the military and seeing what the real world is like... they will be more than happy to complete their education and quit looking for a hand out. As well they will know how well they have it here.
Heather  ( November 12, 2008)
Bob, most students aren't party animals. That is the worst generalization I have seen posted for quite some time. Perhaps you should return to school to further your education. If you are lucky enough to afford to be able to.
Mary  ( November 11, 2008)
The majority of students graduate university with a bachelor of arts degree which is good for absolutely nothing. That being the case why should hard working taxayers subsidize all students when specific programs could be implemented to assist students in medicine. sciences and engineering which benefit society as a whole. Needless to say I don't believe in taxpayers subsidizing arts, law or other useless programs.
Bob  ( November 11, 2008)
Why . . . so students have more beer money. Many even refuse to work part time because it "interferes with their studies". Actually, it interferes with their partying. Not all are party animals, but I'll bet it's a majority.
Charlotte  ( November 10, 2008)
Subsidies should increase because young people are our future. Take it out of seniors subsidies.
