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If you were voting in the U.S. election who would you vote for?
McCain   87     45%
Obama   106     55%
 Total Votes: 193

Comments   Add Your Own
Jack  ( November 6, 2008)
Well Atik Dootam, you don't know me but you choose to get personal and insult me. From your comments you have made it abundantly clear who has the racist mindset. FYI "Whitey" is not responsible for your problems. Have you ever heard of individual responsibility.
I would love to see true equality in this country where everyone is equal instead of special privileges for a select few and you know who I mean. I suggest you get a real productive job in the private sector and support yourself. You will feel better for it.
Jimbo  ( November 5, 2008)
Though GW made a few bad mistakes, he was pretty good to Canada as a supporter of Free Trade. Just watch Obama start talking about renegociating Free Trade and trying to reduce the American Trade deficeit. Ontario's economy will never be the same after the auto sector downsizes. There will be fewer people that pay the taxes to support health care, education, roads etc...Maybe we shouldn't let people vote if they don't pay taxes. We're too liberal in this country. I'd like to see Kenora have a super jail built to lock up everyone that isn't a nationalist.
Atik Dootam  ( November 5, 2008)
Jack, Jack, Jack.... There is always a way for your kind, to minimize, or completely deny the abuses and neglect of power and authority by people such as yourself. Perhaps, when people such as yourself, begin to look at others, equally, your arrogance about your independence and self sufficiency will greatly diminish and you will appreciate, that, your success, is only thru the stolen resources of the aboriginal people of this land, they are the rightful owners of these resources, resources which were scammed from them via the treaties signed by your past and present, crooked governments. I am grateful, that, the citizens of the USA are beginning to show signs of race equality and a true multi-cultural society by voting in the first black president. I like to believe that, Canada is also heading in that direction, however, when I see comments like yours, I see that, there are still those who hide their prejudices and racist attitudes behind the technical terminologies used to define, defend and protect the rights of the downtrodden and underprivileged. Perhaps people like you will never change, but, I have seen a lot of miracles and I like to believe there is hope for your kind too...
Mike  ( November 5, 2008)
Thank goodness the American people have spoke in such large numbers and made their decision overwhelmingly clear. WE WANT CHANGE!! I can guarantee we won't agree with everything Obama does. However I rarely agree with anything Bush says so...
Richard  ( November 4, 2008)
I think in Canada even the Green Party would get more votes than the Republicans. The ideals of that party are in the past, people are not aligned to Republican values anymore and I expect this will be the beginning of a long run by the Democrats.
Randy  ( November 4, 2008)
Obama. He and the Democrats are more suited to help the everyday working man and woman more so than the Republicans who help those who have the means to help themselves.
Jack  ( November 3, 2008)
As expected it didn't take long for the race card to be played. Of course not voting Obama has nothing to do with the fact the Messiah is an extreme leftist, planning wealth redistribution which means taking from those who work hard and earn it and giving to those that don't. Most Americans treasure their independance and freedom.
The USA is not a collectivist society.
Waiting for a Hero  ( November 1, 2008)
Politics have always been apart of my adult life, but never have they been so important as today. If Obama is the leader I think he is, which is a person of great change in a horribly corrupt government, I fear for his life. The last two leaders of change, John and Bobby Kennedy were both killed for what they believed in, which was turning over a new leaf in government, and ending the politics of old. The world would be different today if those assassinations never took place. Their visions were a country without corruption, greed and war. But there are powers that be don't want change, they love the power and the control that comes with it. And for that reason I fear change comes at a higher price than just an election. Until our true enemies are revealed any politician offering true change will always be in danger.
Paula  ( November 1, 2008)
Canadians, this is just another American election - don't get caught up or culturally confused with all the cheer-leading. Your country is Canada. Step back a bit. If the Americans had listened to us, they wouldn't be in the trouble they are in now. If Americana saught advice from Canadians, they'd be a much better country.
Atik Dootam  ( November 1, 2008)
Yes... We will see if racism is alive and well or if, freedom and democracy is slowly coming to those who stole this land from its original inhabitants and owners.
