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 Online Poll
Do you think we should have a permanent bridge to Coney Island that would still allow unrestricted boat traffic?
No   58     43%
Yes   78     57%
 Total Votes: 136

Comments   Add Your Own
BM  ( November 19, 2008)
ask the residents of the island. i doubt they would give it a thumbs up.
Jack  ( October 29, 2008)
I'm sure money that has been flushed down the toilet on the goofy, ill conceived round & round thing which is of nil benefit would have gone a long way towards paying for a bridge to Coney which would be a tremendous benefit to the town.
Dave  ( October 27, 2008)
If you think the "Circle of Doom" was expensive, a bridge to Coney could rival that. Since it crosses a navigable water way, it would have to be high enough to allow for large vessels. ie. the tall masts on bigger sail boats.
In bridge construction, when you go higher, you also go proportionally longer. This creates more fill for the approaches and a much bigger footprint.
LENNY  ( October 26, 2008)
If you want to go there bad enough use a boat like I do it's more fun.
poll lurker  ( October 26, 2008)
Instead of a bridge.. really is there anywhere to build a parking lot on coney for all these cars, I would love to see something similar to the Argyle start back up.. everyone then had access and just the trip over to Coney was an experience.
RH  ( October 25, 2008)
Only those that live on the island would oppose this idea. It would be a tremendous way to restore Coney beach to the splendor of years gone by, and make it a great tourist destination. Imagine if you will, as a tourist, driving from Keewatin and seeing such a beautiful beach only to discover that there is no way to get to it. "Guess we'll keep going to the next town kids. Sorry." Sorry Coney Islanders, it is not your private domain.
kath  ( October 25, 2008)
YES, I would LOVE to see a permanent bridge to Coney, it would be a wonderful way for those less fortunate who do not have a boat who would still love to have access to Coney Island. I know lots of Kenora residents who have never been to Coney. Its a shame they cannot get over there. Great idea and I would love to see it happen!!
  ( October 25, 2008)
Yes, as this would give everyone access to the public beach and the facilities that all taxpayers of Kenora pay to upkeep instead of those lucky enough to own a boat.
Randy  ( October 25, 2008)
Sure, and we can build one of those fancy roundabout bridges and adorn the steps with gold and diamonds since money doesn't seem to be an object or is it?
 ( October 24, 2008)
This should be a decision for the Coney Island residents, and also these residents should incur all costs for this if they so choose to have a bridge of this nature erected.
