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 Online Poll
Are you pleased we have elected a minority Conservative government?
No   69     49%
Yes   72     51%
 Total Votes: 141

Comments   Add Your Own
Paul  ( October 22, 2008)
It could been worse - a majority. The only good thing is by the time of the next election there won't be anybody saying vote for the party in power and they will listen to the area just because we voted for them. "NOT NOW, NOT EVER" will the Conservatives or the Liberals ever care about Northern Ontario.
enough already  ( October 21, 2008)
Five national parties, c'mon Bloc Quebecois give it up, the people are getting tired of your rant. I am glad we finally put someone in that is a member of the ruling party albeit a minority. But watch your steps Gregory the people are watching very carefully, the loss of industry here, high gas prices, remember what happened to Roger!
Jack  ( October 20, 2008)
The only thing better than a strengthend Conservative minority government would be a Conservative majority government. Congratulations Kenora Rainy River for finally sending one of the good guys to Ottawa.
Paula  ( October 20, 2008)
I think its good. The voters have spoken and we're fortunate that we're smart enough to have gone with the Conservatives-the elected national government. The world has and is changing again like it hasn't changed before. Our elected representatives are federal, provincial and municipal-thats who speaks for us, no one else. In these massive global changes the best educated, creative will win the day. If you choose not to be engauged and live in isolation you will live in poverty. A minority government will test the Conservatives metal for sure. Lets hope their policies look out for the majority if they can figure us out.
KJ  ( October 20, 2008)
I am extremely dissapointed. It's one thing to be able to point fingers at the voters in Southern Ontario clinging to ideals of the 1950s, but such greed and ignorance among the voters of this riding makes me ashamed of my own community.
Randy  ( October 18, 2008)
Yes I am happy we are giving the conservatives their very first shot ever at governing the riding. I feel that the conservatives are best suited to govern in these tough economic times. The socialist platforms of the Liberals and NDP would have had to been financed with higher taxes to both individuals and businesses alike. We don't need higher taxes at this time when people's savings and livelihoods are threatened. We need our businesses to keep our people employed, not pay higher taxes restricting growth and laying people off. The conservatives appear to be the only party that understands this and that the time for higher taxes and social expenditures is not now. Sure, much of what happens in the economy today is beyond the control of our governments, but of all the major parties out there I believe the conservatives are best suited to help guide us through these uncertain times.
Dave  ( October 18, 2008)
A waste of time and money "again"!! However the good news is, our riding has finally elected somebody from the party "in power". Also even better, that Dion thing from the Liberal Party will be gone next week. Unfortunately that leads to a leadership race. I can not beleive that those fools would let Bob Rae into the party, let alone vie for being their leader.
  ( October 17, 2008)
It's a trick question. Some people will say no because they were hoping for a majority conservative government, and some people will say no because they would have preferred a different party.
  ( October 17, 2008)
Yes, I'm happy that we still have a minority government, but it's rather sad that we think this way, because what we are really saying is that we can't trust any party with a majority. Too often, in the past, we have voted in a party by a landslide then watched as, typically, what they had espoused as their "platform" turned out to be total lies, once they were elected. It's a double edged sword, we try to keep them in check, but we hamper them at the same time. Those that still vote, are now voting strategically and who can blame us?
Richard  ( October 17, 2008)
I wish we had a majority conservative government. They'll never get their "get tough on crime" laws passed with a minority government, and thus cannot fully implement their mandate. Honestly, 5 national parties? Our system is going to the dogs. I'm going to start up the "Lake of the Woods Oxygen Party" and get a seat next to Elizabeth May at the next debates....who's with me?
