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 Online Poll
Should we be able to vote online in federal, provincial and municipal elections?
No   88     58%
Yes   65     42%
 Total Votes: 153

Comments   Add Your Own
  ( October 14, 2008)
The security issues surrounding online voting would be ridiculous. The present system works just fine. As for fining voters who don't show up, I agree with Australia's policy completely. Sure increases that voter turnout. I wonder if a person chooses not to vote, for several years, if they were stricken from the voter's list and lost their right to vote, what hue and cry would we be hearing? If you can't honour that vote and exercise DUE DILIGENCE then "I could care less" is what the non-voters are (without so many words) actually saying. Can't be bothered, don't care, of course, we'll all have to listen to their endless discourses about how mistreated they are, how much they pay in taxes (as though it were any more than the rest of us) and their lost rights. Forget it, you gave up your right to vote. Plain and simple and, if that's what you're doing, why not make it official? Quit whining, we're all in the same boat, but some of us recognize the fact that we live in a democratic, not third world, country and that it's not only our right to vote, it's really our duty. Use it or lose it.
 ( October 13, 2008)
Voting should remain the same as it is. And to adopt a system as to the effect of fining citizens if they don't vote, is simply ludicrous. We as Canadian citizens have the right to choose whether or not we want to vote. And if one chooses not to vote, they are still a tax payer and a Canadian citizen and have every right to their own opinion and speak one's mind freely
Ben  ( October 12, 2008)
This voting would not be secure enough. An individual could be coerced to vote a particular way.
We should, in an effort to get voters out, adopt the technique used in Australia. If you are on the voters list and don't vote, you get fined!
Remember, if you don't get out and vote, don't complain about the outcome later.
Voter  ( October 11, 2008)
I like the idea as it would increase the vote count and would likely bring young people into the debate. I agree that if you can't be bothered to vote because you have to go to a voting station, your vote may not be worth considering. I have a concern that even if the system is secure, voters would not have the same degree of privacy they have in a voting booth. They may be influenced by someone looking over their shoulder (wife, husband, friend) and vote to please them.
Richard  ( October 10, 2008)
With four months notice and numerous advance polling opportunities, surely we can get ourselves out to vote. On-line voting seems like something that would just lead to other issues involving data integrity and indentity theft.
Mike  ( October 10, 2008)
Look at the fiasco in the US with their last election and an automated system. The current system works well because it is hard to cheat. Get a computer involved and we are in for real trouble.
