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 Online Poll
Which leaders/vicepresident debate did you watch on television?
American   34     20%
Both   32     19%
Canadian   44     26%
Neither   58     35%
 Total Votes: 168

Comments   Add Your Own
Reggie  ( October 8, 2008)
Who ever watched the American Vice-Presidential debate did so for only one reason... to watch Sarah Palin crash and burn. She however held her own and did quite well upsetting only late night talk show hosts and Saturday Night Live writers.
Randy  ( October 8, 2008)
I watched the American debate. American politicians it seems appear to give the voting public a little more credit for not being as stupid and naive as the Canadian politicians assume our voting public to be.
Hanibel  ( October 7, 2008)
Let's not have a wimpy coalition-nothing will get done. This is Canada, a weak federation of Provinces in Regions linked together. We only recognize one National Government with written excepted laws that apply to all Canadians equally. We need an opposition to provide debate and an opposing view point. As a country we don't usually cheer lead like Americans. We're obvioulsy more reserved, polite and don't speak up-so we need an opposition. Also, as a country we don't always have the courage to deal with important National issues. I know I'm so busy working and providing for my family that other issues get put aside. I do expect people to provide for themselves and look after their kids by setting a good example how to adapt to the ever changing world. What are you doing to immediately improve your condition? We don't need to watch a debate for that.
BOBBO  ( October 6, 2008)
I say go with Jack and start spending like a madman. Who cares who pays for it. Let little Canada spend our way out of a global recession like the NDP tried in Ontario in the early '90s. WE'RE STILL PAYING FOR IT! But who cares, its not worth working when you can get everything for free. Why would you work?
Brad  ( October 6, 2008)
At best, Harper will only get in with another minority government, making this election a total waste of time and money. It's time the parties sat down, formed a coalition and concentrated on our economy and our future. The worst has not hit Canada yet!
Mike  ( October 6, 2008)
Just because some people don't watch the debate does not mean they are apathetic. There are several ways to get the position of the leaders. I find the TV debate is simply one of many. I prefer to read about the plans to better understand the issues and challenges.
Richard  ( October 6, 2008)
The Canadian format just doesn't produce an interesting product. Also, with five parties now participating, we're more doomed than ever as getting a majority will be harder than ever, and without a majority....well, you know the rest of that...
Dave  ( October 6, 2008)
You can tell when a politician is lying, "His Lips Are Moving". Why bother, nobody represents the common citizen, they all support big business and lobby groups.
The only reason I will even vote, is so Dion or Layton won't get in as PM. Now that would be scary!
  ( October 5, 2008)
If you're worried about the Canadian economy, maybe this should be the winter you forego the fancy foreign vacation and spend your Canadian dollars in Canada buying Canadian made goods & services. Don't just complain about politicians and corporations. Do your part.
  ( October 5, 2008)
I watched the Canadian debate but I hated the format. It wasn't even a debate. It was Stephen Harper defending himself from the attack of four ninjas. I lost all respect for Jack Layton when (in the middle of the ninja attack) he started making fun of the way Stephen Harper dressed (sweaters). Leave it for the school yard Jack.

Times will be tough when our biggest trading partner's economy is in the toilet, but be careful not to create a self fulfilling prophecy. Maybe it's a good time to stop spending our Canadian earned money in foreign countries every winter and making a point of shopping Canadian. Something tells me that would be a good to strengthen our economy.
