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 Online Poll
How would you best describe the game of golf?
Character Building   34     18%
Frustrating   30     16%
Fun   53     28%
Other   21     11%
Stupid    50     27%
 Total Votes: 188

Comments   Add Your Own
  ( September 29, 2008)
Yes, not a very thought-provoking question at all. We have elections occuring in North America, can't eat any store bought food cause of recalls and no one can afford the gas to drive around the block. But that is okay because Kenora has a week to ponder the game of golf.
  ( September 28, 2008)
I prefer blue underwear . . . but only when I golf.
RH  ( September 27, 2008)
Are you kidding me. With everything happening Locally, not to mention throughout North America, this is the most thought provoking question you can come up with. You may as well ask what color underwear we prefer.
Tiger  ( September 27, 2008)
I golf maybe twice a year and everytime I go I feel bad for neglecting the ever present duties around the house and for spending time away from my family. I feel lazy when I golf because I know that in the 4 hours it takes me to play the game, I could be doing something so much more productive.
Mike  ( September 26, 2008)
An exercise in patience, concentration, and to a slightly lesser extent physical ability. I am not a good golfer but always manage to get a few gem shots that remind me why I keep playing. And as long as playing is the operative word, it should be fun too.
Richard  ( September 25, 2008)
As a wise man once said, it's a nice walk spoiled.
