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Do you think standardized testing should continue in our elementary and secondary schools?
No   59     43%
Yes   78     57%
 Total Votes: 137

Comments   Add Your Own
LIZ  ( September 24, 2008)
All these tests show is how well children can do standardized tests. They don't show what children actually know. Some kids just don't care and will purposely flub the test when in reality they could have answered most questions correctly! I think they should be scrapped. How much of what we learned in school academics do we actually use out in the real world anyway? When's the last time most people had to use the Pythagorean theorem?
  ( September 23, 2008)
As a parent of a child who has done this testing...it is very stressful for the child and the parents. We have placed some very high expectations on our child at such young ages. Tests are fine to see how a child is performing at school but these tests add so much more stress to an already difficult curriculum.
oldie  ( September 23, 2008)
What good will testing do? Have you ever been in a store when the power goes out? Well the younger generation working at the tills can not even do simple math in their heads. What more proof do you need that there is something wrong?
Mike  ( September 22, 2008)
The standardized tests let us know how well the programs are working at schools. If a school scores low in one area they need to look at improving that program whether it is math or grammar. There are minimal standards that need to be met and this is the best tool we have to ensure we are reaching them. Those that complain should try coming up with a solution. I think the test is fine.
LENNY  ( September 22, 2008)
We as well as students & teachers should all be considered standard.
Tired of testing  ( September 22, 2008)
Kids today are subjected to far too many types of testing. Their are enough pressures in society that our children have to worry about not to mention the two intensive days they are put through to complete this type of testing. Not only does it stress out the child(ren), it forces the teacher of that grade to rush through their curriculum in preparation. It is not fair to students or teachers. In all honesty, what do these tests really reflect? NOT A THING!
  ( September 22, 2008)
Kids from all over the province end up at the same universities. Keeping them at a similar education level no matter what part of the province they are from is a good thing. The previous comment about testing teachers is right on. I've had some excellent teachers, some dinosaurs, and some that should not even be allowed in a classroom. Get rid of the dead wood. Children's education should not suffer because of the strength of the teacher's union.
Samantha  ( September 21, 2008)
We also need to remember that these tests are just a day or two of no help from teachers...that is not the way things are done in reality! We have all had "bad days", what about that?
  ( September 20, 2008)
If students are tested, teachers should be as well
Richard  ( September 18, 2008)
Standardized tests reflect school-level results on a per grade basis. They do not reveal much on the individual level. Thus, a kid in school A and B can score exactly the same on their test, yet the 'School A' score much poorer than 'School B' due to the overall demographics of the respective classes and grades. It's tough on teachers who do not choose their students, and it's tough on schools who open their doors to everyone vs others who do not. We all know about that. Yet, I rather have it than nothing at all. No one will care years from now how your school did on a stanardardized test.
