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 Online Poll
How do you expect to vote at this point in the election campaign?
Conservative   93     33%
Green Party   30     11%
Liberal   44     16%
NDP   84     30%
Undecided   31     11%
 Total Votes: 282

Comments   Add Your Own
Webmaster  ( September 17, 2008)
WARNING. As is usual in a poll of this nature, there are those out there that try to fudge the numbers for their own purposes through multiple votes. I have removed some of the more obvious ones. The common complaint among Canadians is lack of honesty in government. Remember, honesty should be important to all Canadians.
Voter  ( September 17, 2008)
Like many others, I don't believe that any political party is honest and has the best interests of the majority of Canadians at heart. Due to the history of political parties (and all are guilty of various indiscretions) there is an overwhelming amount of apathy on the part of voters. The worst thing, to me, is when people talk about not voting at all. If you don't vote, you don't get to whine after the fact! In fact, as you have removed yourself from the process, you don't even have the right to express any opinion - you've given it up as a matter of personal choice. I have been given some hope when speaking to young voters, who express interest not only in voting, but being involved in the process, researching the candidates, the party platforms and the cause and effect on their part of the world, not just their own personal agendas. On any election day I try to keep in mind that my vote is my right, a responsibility and not one to be taken lightly. To give it up is a slap in the face to those who have fought for democracy. Perhaps, as an immigrant to this country, I take the right to vote more seriously than others but, I really can't express enough, to born Canadians, that the right to vote is not a foregone conclusion in many countries. So many would love to be in our place. Vote!
Time for a Change  ( September 17, 2008)
Trust me. If we want anything done in this region we need to be represented by the governing party. The conservatives have been honest and stood by there promises. So if you want 4 more years of the same, vote different.
Anishinaabe  ( September 16, 2008)
Paid over and over for the same land? You mean like "rent"? Nawwww, I would rather put you on a reserve, give you limited resources to live on and shave off a small fraction of the billions in resource revenue dollars which are reaped on a daily basis from our traditional lands and give you just barely enough to live on and see how you like it. I do believe when my ancestors signed the treaties, they agreed to share our resources with yours, so that your ancestors wouldn't starve on our "home and native land". There are many things that you do not understand, but, in time, if you open up your mind, you may one day be enlightened...
Dave  ( September 16, 2008)
To anyone who votes NDP, look what Bob Raye did to Ontario and now he thinks he's a Liberal. Roger Valley has tried but lost. Dion can't get the words out right. We need a Conservative in this riding as that is the party that is going to win even if it's not a majority. Harper has at least not lied as bad as the rest of the politicians since the Pearson days. The Green, NDP and Bloc are like ticks on the back of a moose.
JAB  ( September 16, 2008)
I think that no one has been "robbed".. you have been paid over and over for the same land.... enough is enough!!! Maybe self government is the answer and no more hand outs from the government would benefit all parties concerns.. I think that we need leadership that will deal with the issues of Canadians

Atik Dootam  ( September 16, 2008)
We have had and still have nuts who have ruined and are continually ruining "our home" and "native land"..... We need leaders who are able to look out for the best interests of all the people, including those you deem as minorities, especially, those who have been dispossessed and robbed of their lands and resources.
Dennis  ( September 14, 2008)
While Roger Valley has done a superb job as our MP, it is time we voted in a representative from the ruling party. A lot of people reflect back to the mill shut down etc. Roger was the first political leader to show up and had millions in confirmed money to put towards saving the mill. He could not "write a cheque" as we were headed to an election. The provincial government follwed suit with more money. However incessant bickering by the unions and company scuttled everything. If you look at the bigger picture, newer and more efficient mills were also lost. Nothing would have saved the Kenora Mill. Thanks Roger, best of luck in the election
cynical citizen  ( September 14, 2008)
Voters range from people with high IQs to people with limited IQs . . . from far sighted thinkers to myopic thinkers. The politicians must satisfy the entire spectrum to gain enough votes to get into office. How can you please a far sighted person and a short sighted person with the same rhetoric? This is cleary why minority goverments are so bland. Parties that know they will not get the top seat say whatever they want because they know they will not be called upon to deliver on their promises. They need to be called on this deception.
Mad_Ben  ( September 14, 2008)
NDP is the way to go. They need to be given the chance. I know for a fact that Tania Cameron is a excellent leader, a stong stern voice for all people. I know Canada needs a change for the better. I know with the voice of Tania there will be positive changes on both ends of the rope.
