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 Online Poll
Has the time come to give in to council on the policing issue and move on?
No   387     41%
Yes   554     59%
 Total Votes: 941

Comments   Add Your Own
  ( March 10, 2008)
I think the KPS Officers will make a great addition to the OPP officers we currently have. I have just read all the comments and am glad Mr. Blight is looking into the glut of overvoting by certain individuals. I am a supporter for the decision that was made to have the OPP police Kenora. I believe the OPP administration has displayed more professionalism in this process that the KPS Chief has, however, that should not distort our view of the KPS officers. It is too bad that they were not allowed to speak out as I truly feel the majority of them will be more than willing to join the OPP.
 ( March 10, 2008)
When I viewed the petition at every opportunity at the locations it was being displayed, the number of duplicate signatures, signing for someone else, kids signing it and one local businessman and his wife signing it six different times is certainly questionable.
The organizers should be ashamed and embarrassed to present this document as official to council. I would guess the petition contained maybe 1,000 legitimate signatures and again not supported proper identification. This is a democratic society and everyone is entitled to their opinion but at least make it an official opinion, don't try to cloud the issues and gather artificial support. A difficult decision has been made, democracy prevailed, let's move onto the next municipal challenge
Tommy  ( March 10, 2008)
Both sides have learned well from our municipal officials. Shame on those who cheated and bless those on both sides who didn't. For those on the No side, why did you panic about this poll? Internet polls have no scientific validity. If Yes wins or No wins it doesn't really mean much. What does mean something is that the No side has the evidence. I object to the claim we say democracy exists when we get your way and it doesn't when we don't. It boggles my mind that there are still people in this city who can't grasp the truth. The evidence exists that mayor and council did wrong. It was shown to council and most chose to ignore it. I'd like to see someone from the Yes side prove that Watkins' review and recommendation are correct and that the mayor and council followed all the proper procedures. They can't do it. That's what it boils down to. They did wrong and they aren't owning up to it. They've created all this turmoil and they're sitting back laughing at us. And you think we should give in to that! No, my mother taught me the difference between right and wrong and I try to live by that principle. Why should I expect less from my elected officials.
Faith  ( March 10, 2008)
Interesting figures. Both sides of this question have tainted the accuracy although there has been more dishonesty on the 'yes' side. One does not balance the other out though. Seems like there are many guilty parties and that is a familiar theme throughout this police costing process. This is precisely what happens when leadership does not lead by example. It perpetuates dysfunction. Truth is the most powerful ally and one should reacquaint themselves with it... at ALL levels of the community, so a fair and rational conclusion can be reached. Kudos to those who are not only able to remain fair, but aren't afraid to champion a cause that hasn't been.
John  ( March 10, 2008)
I just thank my lucky stars I don't actually live in Kenora to watch my taxes go through the roof. But why pay attention to any of the verifiable financial evidence I've presented (previous posts) that WASN'T in the consultant's report? I notice no one has attempted to refute those past performance budget numbers I dug up, or the future projections they support? However, they couldn't possibly be the truth if the consultant didn't write about it. We all know what a straight shooter he was - much more dependable than your own riot-inciting Chief of Police.
Question, though: Since the Chief would be in line for a substantial pay and benefits hike like all the other KPS officers, and all he'd have to do to get it is change his shoulder patch, why would he possibly care enough to go to the wall on this? Could it possibly be because his 30 years of on the job experience policing Kenora makes him more qualified than anyone on this planet - including the Mayor, council, their consultant, the KPS Board, OCCPS, the bureaucrats who run your local OPP from Orillia, or we the general public - to understand how to fix the dire problems in THIS Northwestern Ontario city that have been created under 8 years of the hybrid policing model?
Argue what we will, none of us has his credentials - not even close. So what this ultimately boils down to is, of all the parties mentioned above, whose judgment are you most prepared to trust - a lifelong member of this community, with an exemplary 30-year record of local police service … or an ex-OPP consultant from Peterborough? That should be a no-brainer. Everyone else is making, at best, an educated guess, and in most cases not even that. Jorgensen has a plan - a very clearly written Business Plan, available on the city's Web site. Have you read THAT, Mr. "Informed Member of the Public"? It makes a lot more sense than your friendly consultant's report.
Jim Blight  ( March 10, 2008)
It's ironic a poll on policing could bring out so much dishonesty in voting! We will be adjusting the numbers today in an attempt to eliminate duplicate votes. So far, 19 people have cast 172 extra votes on the no side while 33 have cast 211 extra votes on the yes side. There have been some flagrant violations that we will be investigating and perhaps will publish the offenders e-mail addresses.
The adjusted numbers at this point are 136 - yes, and 113 - no.
The Enterprise.
Donny  ( March 10, 2008)
Yes it is time to go on with life... Council right or wrong has made the decision (I think they voted right) and instead of causing rifts in the community, let's support the Kenora city officers and the Opp through the transition process and welcome the current KPS members back in their new uniforms! Same faces just different shoulder patch.
shawn  ( March 10, 2008)
This is getting stupid!
you cannot claim democracy exists when you get your way and say it does not when you don't.
Suck it up
quit with the cry's of people losing their jobs, the KPS from what I understand will get more $$$$, benefits and pension. There may be a few civilian jobs lost? Where was the outcry when the mill shut down. These people lost their jobs, they were not guaranteed employment anywhere else.
I for one was always on the fence but leaned towards the KPS. I must admit after hearing the crying and accusations made by the vocal minority (fueled I might add by the Chief - in my opinion) I am feeling much better about the OPP - They have proven to be professional throughout this entire process. Ha anyone considered the fact that if the KPS had been chosen our community would have lost a number of OPP families who would have needed to downsize I assume.
A final note - we the people criticized last council for failing to deal with this and other issues. Now we want to cry foul when it is done. My hat goes off to council for their courage to take on this issue and other future ones.
Time to move on
  ( March 10, 2008)
The time has come to let it go.. Enough, let the KPS leave with pride.
Tommy  ( March 10, 2008)
I smell a rat! Over 500 votes, much higher than usual and suddenly over night the poll which ran all day yesterday in favour of continuing has suddenly swung the other way. If all these people voting to stop the fight are individuals, why aren't there more messages from them? Why are most messages in favour of continuing the fight? I guess whoever is plugging in the Yes votes doesn't want to take the time to write a message with each vote. It would be interesting to see if a referendum reflected the same ratio as this poll. By the way, I've voted once.
