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 Online Poll
What is the best location for the Farmer's Market?
Central Park   155     63%
Harbourfront Big Tent   38     15%
Harbourfront Small Tent   30     12%
None of the Above   24     10%
 Total Votes: 247

Comments   Add Your Own
grace  ( August 1, 2008)
The traffic through harbourfront is already too conjested. Driving through there everyday gets to be a hassle. We also need the parking lot back. I would take advantage of the flyers our downtown merchants put out and hence the other merchants. Tourism is one thing but the merchants need to boost their relationship with the full time residents. The consruction is 'needed ?' ..farmers market can move back there next year,and couldn't there be a 3-way stop at the pavillion so traffic could go up to Main there as well? One way out is very hard.
Leonard  ( August 1, 2008)
With all the streets torn up and only one way for a lot of us to go to work and home again I would think that the downtown businesses could have a little understanding and patience to allow the traffic to move instead of having the Farmer's Market patrons crossing the street to the farmers market and contributing to more delays in an already time consuming trip through town. Why are we told when we complain about the traffic and lack of information regarding construction road closures and lane closures to be patient and more or less suck it up yet these businesses whine and the city is willing to jump through hoops to please them? Construction IS NOT the reason for lack of patrons! Perhaps hiring a consulting firm might help in determining why there is such a lack of patrons!
C.  ( August 1, 2008)
The best location is Central Park. If some of the downtown business have to rely on the spin offs of the farmers market to make it or break it for the year than perhaps their business venture is not a good one.
  ( August 1, 2008)
Business people throughout ALL of Kenora are usually the first ones called on for charitable donations (and they answer that call regularly). However, anyone who couldn't predict there was going to be congestion and frustration throughout these years of revitalization must have been peering through rose colored glasses. The Farmer's Market should have been moved temporarily to the benefit of the public until the construction in that area eases. No pain no gain... or at least that's what we ALL have been lead to believe.
Joe Citizen  ( August 1, 2008)
The point of the Farmer's Market originally was to attract visitors to downtown. It worked. Construction is killing downtown business and now we want to move the best thing that has happened in years. Unless Kenora has a viable downtown, we may as well give up on any hope of a tourist industry. I'm sure the citizens can suffer a bit of inconvenience in the short term.
  ( August 1, 2008)
If you are asking what is most convenient and safe for the vendors and the public, then undeniably Central Park is the answer. It seems all of this construction was for the Main Street businesses... the businesses were alloted money for storefront face lifts... the children's playground was removed to accommodate the farmer's market (to benefit the business people). AND THEN, the spokespeople infer there is too much gravel on Main Street! What the?
N/A  ( August 1, 2008)
I thought it was much easier when at Central Park to get too and park. Also there was more room for the merchants. If downtown merchants want business stay open later hours and on Sundays!
Bill  ( August 1, 2008)
Central Park is the best venue for the farmer's market.. There is ample parking and enough space for all the booths.. This location is also near Parkview Apartments and Gardner House which is a convenience for our senior tenants there. Buck must be going "mad" trying to please everyone!
The Loaf n' Jug  ( July 31, 2008)
I think the best place for the farmer's market would be in the parking lot across from The Loaf n' Jug.
peter  ( July 31, 2008)
How greedy can these town merchants be? What about the accessibility for our handicapped people? They can't get down to the waterfront. Central Park is centrally located, the facility is already for operation. Come on greedy merchants, quit blamming the location for your poor sales!
