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Did Governor General Michaelle Jean make the right decision to prorogue Parliament until the New Year?
No   73     33%
Yes   145     67%
 Total Votes: 218

Comments   Add Your Own
LENNY  ( December 7, 2008)
Well folks listen up, it's not rocket fuel where chattin' about here. It's politicians whose bottom line will fill their own pockets first and if there is any left they'll take that as well.
Mark  ( December 7, 2008)
Parliament does not deserve a two-month paid vacation after being at work 10 days. Also the arguments against a coaltion are stupid as Harper has tried to form a coalition government in the past. If the majority of members of parliament who represent 62% of the voters are ready to govern then let them.
Paul  ( December 7, 2008)
NO!! The APPOINTED governor general went against the wishes of the MAJORITY OF DEMOCRACTICALLY ELECTED members of parliament, the governor general has to go.
Atik Dootam  ( December 7, 2008)
When the progressive conservatives were aligning themselves with the reform party to create the Conservative Party, no one in Kenora opposed it, even tho, at that time, the reform didn't have much support in Kenora-Rainy River Riding. When the Conservatives bribed the Bloc to support them for key votes in parliament over the last two years, no one accused them of aligning with a party that wanting to destroy Canada. When the Conservatives conspired with the Bloc to overthrow the liberals several years ago, no one accused Harper of "treason". I can't understand how hypocritical some of you people who support the Conservatives can be, wait, I guess I can, after all, that kind of logical thinking is what put these vindictive imbeciles in power to begin with.
Ken  ( December 7, 2008)
If government was not prorogued, then the future of our government would have been decided with an angry mob mentality. (Crucify him! Crucify him!)
I'm certainly NOT comparing Harper to Jesus . . . but I am comparing the Coalition to the mob scene. (I felt I need to clarify this because the Coalition loves to spin and twist what's really happening). They MUST vilify Harper in order to justify their existence. He is a liar, he can't be trusted, and on and on. It doesn't matter if it's true or not, but it must be drilled into Canadian's heads so they don't see the real reason for the coalition - a backdoor power grab because they lost at the polls. Liberal politicians calling a Conservative politician a liar that can't be trusted?! Look in the mirror. Give me a break.
Dave  ( December 7, 2008)
This will give time for maybe a bit of common sense to prevail. We didnt elect these "Three Stooges". They can't get into power by themselves. Here we have a leader who has resigned because of his embarassing dismal performance, a socialist and of all things a separatist trying to take the reigns of power!
If this coalition suceeds in its plans, western Canada's economy is headed the way of the paper industry.
Jack  ( December 6, 2008)
In the financial update Harper said economic situation was deteriorating and Canadians will need to tighten their belts so government should lead by example. Therefore political parties would no longer be funded by taxpayers and that created contraversy. I agree with Harper because I don't want my taxes going to support political parties I despise. Let them earn their own money and stay out of the taxpayers pocket. I say bring on the next election.
Jim  ( December 5, 2008)
The one fact that everyone misses is that none of the parties received enough votes to govern. The only way they have the right to rule is if they can form a coalation with another party. Fat chance!!!
Gordo  ( December 5, 2008)
In my opinion the GG made the right decision. I voted for Greg Rickford because that would make our MP a member of the governing party. In the election previous, I voted for Roger Valley because that made our MP a member of the governing party.
In order for the coalition to exist, the party that wants to split up Canada is in control of overthrowing the Canadian government.
Think about it!!!
The coalition is saying that my vote and your vote, doesn't count. How dare they disrespect Canadians like that!!!
It shouldn't matter what your political stripes are. This is wrong. Don't let them get away with making a mockery of our Canada.
Atik Dootam  ( December 5, 2008)
I think it is totally hilarious, when, a plural election system goes haywire and true democracy sets in, where the opposition parties unite, form the majority government to take power in order to ensure the economic stability of Canada. These Liberal, NDP and Bloc MP's who make up the coalition and the majority of parliament were also elected by the voters of Canada, so, it only makes sense that, if they don't agree with the minority government's ideals, then, according to the rules of parliament, do what is necessary to protect Canada.... Hail to the Democratic Majority Coalition Government.... Note, the Conservative Party is a coalition party consisting of PC's and Reform party followers.......
