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 Online Poll
Should the fitness centre at Kenora Rec Centre once again be named the Michael Smith Fitness Centre?

No   96     45%
Yes   119     55%
 Total Votes: 215

Comments   Add Your Own
Sam  ( November 29, 2008)
Is kenora proud of michael or not? If you are then "the Michael Smith Fitness Centre " it is. Other wise get a coke and hang your head in shame.
NC  ( November 29, 2008)
I feel very strongly that the fitness room in the recreation center should be named the "Michael Smith Fitness Center". I was most upset when the beautiful mural was painted on the side of the building and he wasn't represented in the picture. Michael is someone that we should be very proud to have from Kenora and we should tell the world!
Randy  ( November 29, 2008)
The time it was named in his honour is sufficient. Mike no longer lives here and thats ok. He owes Kenora nothing. In return Kenora owes him nothing. Time to move on.
Heather  ( November 29, 2008)
Well we did (as a city) only pay Buck $1 for his effort, skill, talent and hundreds of hours of overtime... If we're looking for someone to dedicate the recreation center to, I couldn't think of anyone better. Think of it as a $50,000 donation to the City of Kenora.
Mike  ( November 28, 2008)
I think that the several years it was named the Michael Smith Fitness Centre is a fitting dedication. I think a big plaque inside the centre would be sufficient to recognize his contributions to the city. There are many people besides athletes who have made immense contributions to this town. If a corporate sponsor cannot be found I feel we should have someone who is not an athlete or a politician recognized for their contributions to this great town/city.
