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 Online Poll
Should the Ontario government increase tuition fee subsidies for university and college students?

No   70     52%
Yes   65     48%
 Total Votes: 135

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  ( November 10, 2008)
John... you've got to be kidding. Let's take a reality check. The average cost of a 4 year University term - ONE degree is approx. $80,000. I don't care how many years the wee tykes save their birthday, Christmas and first job forays for, they're never going to hit that target. I agree that kids should save, however if you are saying that subsidization would not be necessary if only kids saved every nickel from birth to high school graduation, you are living on a different planet. A secondary education is not a privilege, it's a necessity these days. You can't go anywhere without one. To inhibit the education process, solely due to money, so that our upcoming generation is not able to compete in the employment marketplace, would further cripple our Country. And, let's not forget, I don't know of any students that are living high off the hog. It's a tough enough slog, without endless financial worries.
Mike  ( November 10, 2008)
Ontario jobs have mostly been lost in manufacturing and pulp and paper industry. Most of these jobs while skilled only good for that industry. Furthering education will not only strengthen the position of those seeking jobs but educated individuals will be in a better position to CREATE jobs as well. We have to think long term not just what is going on today. Besides if all these people are out of work, what better time to augment their education?
Heather  ( November 9, 2008)
Absolutely. A better skilled and educated population will only have good long term benefits on the economy. Allowing better access to education while minimizing student debt is always the best choice for *any* province.
Also Ontario is not a "have not" province. We are the upper-range middle class of Canada - below Alberta but well above the maritimes. Sure we could use the money for "job creation", but without educated workers where exactly are we going to find the skilled workers that we just created jobs for?
Randy  ( November 8, 2008)
Ontario is a have not province. We just got an equalization cheque from the Feds. This means were not doing so well. It's probably not the best of times right now to be talking tuition subsidies. Perhaps our limited tax dollars could be better spent on job creation and ways to help improve our economy. If and when things improve and we once again become a healthy prosperous province, then and only then should we look at perhaps subsidizing tuition.
John  ( November 7, 2008)
Kids should be encouaged to start saving for college early in life.
RH  ( November 6, 2008)
Its coming to a point where a University or College education is just as important as a High school Diploma. The outrageous costs involved are prohibitive for many families today more than ever. I believe that tuition fees should be publicly funded to an extent to allow all Canadians the opportunity to further their education.
