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 Online Poll
If you were voting in the U.S. election who would you vote for?
McCain   87     45%
Obama   106     55%
 Total Votes: 193

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Sam  ( October 31, 2008)
Jack is probably a well meaning fellow and a loving father. However he (and others like him) should try reading something other than the National tattler or the The true Blue. The south will rise again and realise that the situation the world is in can be laid directly at the philosophical feet of the Rebublicans The world needs a change. Obama is THE ONE to do it
Mike  ( October 31, 2008)
Obama all the way. McCain is a puppet of the same government that spends 400 billion a year on "defence" but couldn't help people in New Orleans when they were dying and drowning. Tax cuts for the rich, and maybe he can even find a few new fall guys for weapons of mass destruction. The republcans should look in a mirror if they want to find one.
  ( October 31, 2008)
Unless there's a huge change at the last minute, it's pretty much a foregone conclusion that Obama is going to take this one with a good 10 point lead, or so. It is also predicted that this will be the highest voter turnout in many years. I wonder who's actually voting for Obama - the poor black population, the truly non rascist and the 40 million U.S. citizens who have no health care? After 8 years of Bush administration the U.S. is truly desperate for a change. As my American friend recently told me "Oh, we'll elect Obama, then some fool redneck will assassinate him". McCain is from a "have" background, he can't even relate to a common middle class family. Electing McCain would just be like voting Bush in, again.
Jack  ( October 31, 2008)
The "Messiah" Obama is an empty suit mouthing change and a troubling history of associating with radicals and communists. An Obama loss will probably lead to riots in the streets by his cult followers shouting Obama, Obama, Obama.
