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 Online Poll
Which leaders/vicepresident debate did you watch on television?
American   34     20%
Both   32     19%
Canadian   44     26%
Neither   58     35%
 Total Votes: 168

Comments   Add Your Own
Paula  ( October 4, 2008)
People, you'd better be paying attention to Canada. We're heading into a massive world-wide reccession that hasn't been seen since the dirty thirties. If we don't pull up our socks and get creative we're in big trouble. The government does NOT create wealth, but their is only one country, Canada, one national government. This land is our land, this land is your land. CANADA!
Perplexed  ( October 3, 2008)
After viewing the results of the new poll question I have to say I'm shocked, but not surprised, if that makes any sense. The amount of people who watched neither debate is ridiculous. I suspect these are the same people who whine about the economy but, are too apathetic and lazy to consider doing anything productive about it.
