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 Online Poll
How do you expect to vote at this point in the election campaign?
Conservative   93     33%
Green Party   30     11%
Liberal   44     16%
NDP   84     30%
Undecided   31     11%
 Total Votes: 282

Comments   Add Your Own
TJG  ( September 14, 2008)
I am 54 years old and voted in every election in the past that was shoved down my throat. I quit. There just isn't any point any more.
Right wing hockey mom  ( September 13, 2008)
Vote for the NDP and say goodbye to your vote. Thats all we need is the nutty minority left running our Canada, home and native land.
Chris  ( September 13, 2008)
What has Roger Valley done for Kenora? I think it's time to have a party in power elected for our region. Time to vote Conservative. The saying goes "there is a first time for everything". Now is that time!!!!
Richard  ( September 13, 2008)
I voted Conservative in the last election and I think they basically worked on the things they said they would in their initial campaign. There are some things left undone but they need a majority to get their crime bills through. Without a majority, they are 'stalled'. Thus, I hope we give them a chance to finish their mandate and get the tough crime legislation passed. I'll vote Conservative again, and hope they get a majority government.
Hanna  ( September 13, 2008)
What I'd like to see is more from Canadians – more nationalism. Not what the Provinces want, we need more of a federal presence in Canada. Kenorans, speak up for Canada, your country. I know I'd like to end the Reserve system and bring in the Natives from isolation. Everyone knows the Reserve system isn't working. Isolated, remote communites cannot help themselves. We're a science based, western democratic Country. I 100% believe our voice in this matter has to be heard. It's NOT racism, I want the Natives to be with us, not in isolation. Support ending the Reserve system and joining the world. The best way to preserve your culture is to share it with everyone.
Randy  ( September 13, 2008)
It appears that the polls are saying that the conservatives will form the next government, perhaps even a majority government. If we want better representation for our area, the wise vote would be to vote conservative. Love em or leave em, at least with a conservative member of parliment we are less likely to be ignored as we would be with someone who does not belong to the ruling party.
Atik Dootam  ( September 13, 2008)
Seems neither the Liberals or the Conservatives have really done too much for Kenora or the surrounding area. These two parties appear to dance to the whip of the larger municipal areas, which is usually the way plural democratic voting works. Alas, it is time to support the NDP as opposed to thinking and remaining "status quo".
change time  ( September 12, 2008)
Lets all get together this time and elect a rep that comes from the ruling party, which is probably going to be Conservative. Look what the Liberals have done to this town both federal and provincial don't give a hoot for us. Paper mill, saw mill, Trus-Joist, Trilake Timber. Wake up people and say good-bye to Roger. Roger who?
lk  ( September 12, 2008)
Has anybody ever noticed that it is alway Liberals and Conservatives bashing one another just to see who will be PM? Well maybe it's time for a change. Vote NDP. It's time to be realistic and see what they have to offer.
Jack  ( September 12, 2008)
Seems very likely Harper's Conservatives will form the next government so would be wise for Kenora riding to have member on government's side. Roger Valley has done nothing for Kenora area so time for him to go.
