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 Online Poll
Are the use of Tasers by police forces an effective deterrent against those resisting arrest?
No   42     29%
Yes   103     71%
 Total Votes: 145

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Danny  ( September 5, 2008)
A good jolt from a taser is a lot better than a round from a firearm. These people who whine about being tasered, have brought the event on to themselves. If you are not committting a criminal act, and do as ordered by police, you wont get zapped.
Tasered Off  ( September 5, 2008)
Of course tasers have a bad name, they have been ill used in several cases. I'm not so much against tasers as I am against the circumstances where they SHOULD NOT be used. Certainly, an officer threatened by a gun, or other weapon toting scofflaw, for example, should have absolutely no qualms about using a taser. What worries me is that they have proven to be abused in cases where there is no weapon involved. In the Vancouver case there were at least 4 officers involved, no weapon in the hands of the "perp" and not only was he tasered once, he was tasered AGAIN - after he was on the ground. I'm not advocating throwing the baby out with the bath water, but tasers have to be utilized as though they are guns, with the ability to kill and the circumstances of useage should be thoroughly understood and adhered to, by all officers.
Paula  ( September 4, 2008)
Police officers have families to go home to. The taser is better than having to shoot with a firearm as a first option. If someone is threatening with a weapon, what would you do if you believed they would harm or kill you?
Richard  ( September 4, 2008)
I think most people think that a taser is a good substitute for a gun in situations where there is a substantial risk to the well-being of police officers. Tasers are certainly getting some bad press. However, people who are being arrested or brought under control by police make the choice to continue to resist, and with that choice, must accept the consequences if a taser is used. I'm not worried about a taser being used against me by the police as I would never put a police officer in that situation. For those who would, you're rolling the dice... don't complain about it.
