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 Online Poll
Do you think Husky the Muskie should be visible from the Harbourfront (it's not)?
No   78     47%
Yes   87     53%
 Total Votes: 165

Comments   Add Your Own
Joey  ( July 25, 2008)
Maybe we could get Abitibi to clear cut the waterfront before they leave town.
  ( July 25, 2008)
Landscaping 101... when a focal point is created, it must be in view to draw attention to it. For local residents who are aware of the location it may seem redundant. It was viewable at one time but the trees were not tended to appropriately and have since smothered the big fish. Removing one tree shouldn't be the end of the world... how many were cut down for the roundabout?
Richard  ( July 24, 2008)
Let's move it into the middle of the traffic circle. It'll be seen by everyone...
