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 Online Poll
Do you think plastic bags should be banned from Kenora?
No   116     52%
Yes   105     48%
 Total Votes: 221

Comments   Add Your Own
Mike  ( June 16, 2008)
I think the question should be more specific such as "plastic shopping bags" fruit, bread, frozen veggies, and lots of other things come to us in plastic bags. Eliminating the shopping bags is realistic at this time. All plastic bags is not.
progressive redneck  ( June 16, 2008)
We should research what we're doing. Are plastic bags a true threat to our environment? Banning plastic bags may only increase the sale and production of thicker, larger plastic bags to line our garbage cans. We should be focusing more strongly on practising, promoting and incentives for using the fabric bags for our groceries thus REDUCING the amount of plastic bags.
Heather  ( June 15, 2008)
Use bread bags for doggie scooping bags, and compost your wet garbage. Problem solved.
  ( June 15, 2008)
Kenora, Kenora, thought you were growing,
KMTS gone, KPS going.
Town Island driftin',
Norman Park liftin',
What kind of seeds are you sowing?

Prune our roots, make us slim,
Suppose our future needs a trim?
Ban bags? Why not?
We haven't got,
Anything to put in 'em!
STAN  ( June 15, 2008)
I believe that they should ban those white grocery bags only. They are the real culprits that wind up tangled on tree branches and such, on, or near any landfill, creating an ecological eyesore for all to see!
Mark  ( June 14, 2008)
First define plastic bags. Does that mean garbage bags? If not, then how about the bags that we reuse from the stores to put in our waste cans?
Dumb idea

Ed  ( June 13, 2008)
Non-biodegradable Yes, biodegradable No.
N/A  ( June 13, 2008)
Yes. They are so destructive to the environment that they should be banned. You can purchase decomposable bags for dog poop. I do recognize that lower incomes utilize these bags so maybe people could donate garbage bag for this cause. I know I would be willing.
Elaine  ( June 13, 2008)
We need bags to put our wet garbage in because some people can't afford to buy from the stores. Also people use them to pick up their doggie doo.
N/A  ( June 13, 2008)
I say yes ,ban the things! Look around people they are everywhere. We should treat them like they are deer or dogs and just say no!
