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 Online Poll
Who would suffer the most if city employees and council cannot come to an agreement?
Citizens   148     61%
Council   41     17%
Union   54     22%
 Total Votes: 243

Comments   Add Your Own
Kenora mom  ( January 31, 2008)
The current agreement is a 3 year agreement retroactive to December 2005. What does this mean? In 11 months we are going to be back at exactly the same place we are now. And this time the workers will strike since the town was so scared this time around.
Tim  ( January 30, 2008)
Citizens would have lost the most. Would like to take the opportunity to thank the citizens and the Kenora Hospitality Alliance for pressuring major and Council to meet with the union. The time will come (not soon enough) for all of us to make sure this major and council (we know which ones) never, ever get reelected again. There is no excuse for any council or company to refuse to meet and bargain in good faith with a union that wants to negotiate a fair contract.
LENNY  ( January 29, 2008)
I was told by an old union official that union ment trouble and the tax payers always end up payin'.
  ( January 29, 2008)
I just want to say it perplexes me to continually hear about remarks referring to 'past council's" deflections of decisions. I remind the public Len, Rory and Andrew were the last council!
Paul  ( January 29, 2008)
A lose-lose-lose situation if it had to go to strike. The citizens and business would have got hit the hardest due to the shutdown. (Example would be hockey - no hotel rooms, and lost services.) The union members would take a loss because of lost pay. Council (PART OF) and this mayor WILL LOSE JOBS over poor handling of this situation (refusing to workers a fair deal, refusal to meet with mediator, and many other poor decisions since elected)
  ( January 28, 2008)
Attention Upset Parent: Are you sure it was the mayor that was "holding the children hostage". Maybe it was the union. Given our economic times, how many people would give their right arm for a city job with benefits at LESS PAY than the city employees are currently making.
P.S. Does Jerry Lava lose pay like the city workers do when they are walking the picket line?
BP  ( January 28, 2008)
I think it's time for the mayor and all council members to resign their positions as they have demonstrated time and time again that they are either not capable or not willing to make a decision that is of any benefit to this community.
Kenora lady  ( January 27, 2008)
Cancel the roundabout idea and I'm sure this would free up some money for libraries, children's activities and city workers. We now have this huge "prosperity" fund... I wonder who is going to get the first raise?
Bill G  ( January 27, 2008)
Great, a contract has been negotiated , no strike. Now, as we citizens get ready to pay for this meeting of the minds, perhaps the city fathers will finally stream line the various city departments and get rid of the excess number of employees. At the same time get the ones remaining to actually work. Imagine the city asking snow plow operators to work shift work, the nerve! It's time to cut the frills and all the pretty flowers etc. and get the job done at the least cost. Its not about depriving kids of ice time or providing a baby sitting service for parents on Saturday mornings. Our one private trash hauler works better than the city, why not throw that service out for bids, makes sense, but then common sense isn’t in the political realm
The True Concerened Kenorite  ( January 27, 2008)
I believe that the staff are pushing too hard. I support unions however I also support the idea of not putting an employer out of business If the Union keeps up the way they are going they are going to cause the city to go bankrupt. The only ones to suffer with a strike/lockout are the citizens. Kids won't be able to play hockey, people won't be able to use the gym or the pool.
