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 Online Poll
Will the Listeriosis outbreak change your food purchasing habits?
No   55     47%
Yes   62     53%
 Total Votes: 117

Comments   Add Your Own
C.  ( September 3, 2008)
To some Canadians the result of this outbreak that some people say is "natural occuring" was death. Therefore there should and must be some sort of control to ensure that it does not happen again.
Glenn  ( September 2, 2008)
It amazes me when, every time there is a crisis, people think the government should fix it. Meat Inspectors are so tied up with government paper work, they have little time for actual inspections. Being involved for a while in the industry, I know a lot of packers use on site, contract inspectors and private labs. All at great expense of course. Listeriosis occurs naturally, it is rare and unfortunate when there is an outbreak involving fatalities.
Dave  ( September 2, 2008)
Here is another case of too much regulation and too little time. The inspectors are so bogged down with paperwork, that they do not have time to do all the inspections.
If you review the news footage, Maple Leaf did the adequate inspections, yet the growth of a naturally occuring bacteria wasn't eliminated.
Linda  ( August 30, 2008)
It's scary to think that the regulations are so lax in the food processing area. We need better government regulations to oversee this area.
LENNY  ( August 30, 2008)
No simply because I don't eat processed meats
But I srongly suggest caution to all who do.
Panic is not he answer, we can't live in a bubble.
Moderation and healthy life style can increase your immune system to fight off most food and air borne problems.
Richard  ( August 29, 2008)
I never needed much of a push to stay away from processed meats - every health food list on the planet rates them as something to avoid. I think I'll start taking their advice.
Brenda  ( August 28, 2008)
I do not buy lunch meat or prepackaged processed meat for the most part, and this will make me even more careful.
