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Are you happy about the performance of Canadian athletes in the Olympics?

No   40     31%
Yes   91     69%
 Total Votes: 131

Comments   Add Your Own
Jack  ( August 27, 2008)
During the long years of leftist liberal rule prevailing dogma regarding sport was mass participation NOT excellence in sport. I believe that backward attitude is changing under Harper and awarding cash to medal winners is a good start. Canada should strive to duplicate what China and Australia have accomplished with their athletes. It takes money but can be done.
Roger  ( August 26, 2008)
I can't believe anyone would have the gall to say 'No'. Just to make it to that level in sports takes a lifetime of commitment, endless training and trying to survive on usually minimum wage. Most of our athletes do very well in their sports at other international events but because the Olympics are so high profile, that's all most see. Everybody has an off day and unfortunately you can't pick which one that will be.
Mike  ( August 26, 2008)
I believe we finished in the top ten for medal count. Consider many countries with larger populations that didn't win any medals. One nation whose name escapes me, won their first ever Olympic medal. As Canadians, and as Canadian athletes we perform exceptionally well on a world stage. Consider that China has about 30 quality athletes to every one that we have and its amazing we came away with what we did. Kudos to the athletes, trainers and families.
Paula  ( August 24, 2008)
Just participating in any activity seems all most families can do (if they do anything). Higher level athletes full time job is training. Canadians, are not very sports minded. It really takes a lot of energy to keep kids busy and active. I`d like to see more intramural sports at all levels-that would produce more Olympians.
LENNY  ( August 24, 2008)
Yes per capita we turned out a good run again, a bit slow out of the gate but all in all a good run my hats off to the Canadians
Linda  ( August 23, 2008)
For the amount of sponsers they get to keep them in training I think they are going all out. Maybe if the government would help them instead of spending our money foolishly they would have more time to train instead of having to work to pay for their own training.
  ( August 22, 2008)
Obviously, we have had our Olympic disappointments, however for a country where the government does not provide funding, unlike many others, for their athletes, I believe we do the best we can with what we have. Also, let's face it, our talents lie more within the Winter Olympics and I watch them more than the Summer. Bring on 2010!
