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 Online Poll
If council approves a new fire hall, is Barsky's Hill Operations Centre the best location?
No   70     41%
Yes   102     59%
 Total Votes: 172

Comments   Add Your Own
Brad  ( August 13, 2008)
The Public Works buildings are an excellent choice. For response to fires etc. on the north side of town, its a no brainer. Getting to the south side of town could be a problem with the traffic on Veterans Drive, however the problem currently exists for calls to the north side of town.
Years ago there was a plan to relocate the fire hall to beside the Police Station. After a lot of research by the Fire Chief of the day and his people, it was decided that area had too many bottle necks. Today, that area would be even worse.
At least council is looking at a new, safer building, that will accomodate present and future equipment.
Sylvia  ( August 13, 2008)
The old mill site would make a great place not only for the new fire department, but also a new hospital and ambulance service. It is central and would combine all the services. Not to mention that the hospital property would be worth a mint to some developer which would help our city to prosper.
money  ( August 12, 2008)
Why not use the Number 8 shed from Abitibi on 9th street? it's fairly new and has a huge garage and has good access. But then we probably would save some money, won't we? Nah, makes too much sense.
Cindy J  ( August 12, 2008)
I guess it would be a good idea to do something with the mansion on the hill. It's not he best central location and it will be interesting to see how the trucks will get through the "round about". It's about time we got a new Fire Hall as it's been a long time coming.
  ( August 12, 2008)
With all due respect to our vital fire personal, I feel compelled to say this. Policing calls far outweigh any fire calls yet for some reason we couldn't afford our hybrid model but we can entertain a new fire station? I am SO, SO confused.
taxed out  ( August 11, 2008)
The fire truck now spends all day going around Rabbit Lake so Barsky's Garage as it is would save money and be fine.
  ( August 11, 2008)
How does a fire truck make it to downtown, Lakeside, East Highway, Norman, Keewatin when the Subway is backed up at Lakewood school morning and afternoon? And people can't pull over in the new intersection at harbourfront because of concrete curbs.
Roger  ( August 11, 2008)
Hey why don't we let the Kenora Biz people and Buck decide where it goes?
Atik Dootam  ( August 11, 2008)
All major city services should be away from a busy downtown area, so that, there is more room for business expansion.
george  ( August 10, 2008)
It should be closer to where the majority of the population is and downtown.
