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 Online Poll
What is the best location for the Farmer's Market?
Central Park   155     63%
Harbourfront Big Tent   38     15%
Harbourfront Small Tent   30     12%
None of the Above   24     10%
 Total Votes: 247

Comments   Add Your Own
Fed Up With the Whining  ( August 7, 2008)
First to address the actual question, the farmer's market should go to where it is the most convenient for the vendors, the safest for the shopper's and the space with the best parking and accessibility. As for the "greedy main street merchants" who the whole revitalization project is being done for...come on people. I am a business owner, I pay home and business taxes, I shop local, I keep my prices comparable to Winnipeg and have had people from Winnipeg say they are sometimes even lower. I hire local people, young people who want to stay here. Our business is handicapped accessible (we won an award this year for that), I don't mind the sand in my store, it means people are coming in and shopping, heck, even if they just came in to look and chat that's great!! The sewer and water pipes need fixing, the town needs a facelift, plain and simple. Do you really think the Main Street merchants have that much pull? Come on people, let's all get through this together with great anticipation that we will ALL benefit. The farmer's market was supposed to be a way to get people downtown to not only shop but socialize, share and be a part of our community. Do we really want to be a place where all the grumpy whiners with nothing else better to do then complain about everything live? Nice tourist attraction that would be. Don't forget, these comments go in the free paper where the tourists read it. I am embarrassed sometimes that their portrayal of Kenora is as bad as it sounds. I hope that all of the merchants who were opposed to the market being downtown are not the same ones complaining that they lost business that day. I think some of those numbers were grossly exaggerated. Let's all work together to bring something positive from new ventures and make it a community we can all be proud of.
Luke  ( August 6, 2008)
The Farmer's market is a very good idea. I really enjoyed checking it out-but now with the construction and traffic back-ups, I'm not going. I'm thinking even after the construction is finished and the traffic peeling off down there, I'll be avoiding the whole area altogether.
Maxine  ( August 6, 2008)
I'm sure the construction has caused the downtown merchants to lose business and do feel bad for them but very much preferred having the farmer's market at Central Park. Didn't feel cramped and pushed. Saw things I hadn't noticed before. Parking was great. Handy for seniors. When I need something from the downtown stores I shop there, construction or not, but would far rather have the farmer's market at Central or anywhere but in that cramped harbourfront tent.
Tim  ( August 6, 2008)
You know the day after the market appeared in Central the Downtown Merchants summoned and were granted an emergency meeting with city decision makers who caved into their demands to move the market back. Not sure of any other businesses or individuals that could pull off such a meeting and have an instant decision reached when things were not going their way. The City has created two levels of taxpayers, the elite which aline the downtown corridor and everyone else who just keeps on paying taxes with little input.
Roger  ( August 6, 2008)
I think we should spend tens of thousands of dollars on a consultants study to see which site is indeed the best or, and I'll just throw this out there, use a little common sense and locate the market in Central for the duration of the construction phase at least. I hope our city decision makers are taking note of this survey.
  ( August 5, 2008)
Being that this was Buck's brainchild and it seems he has made it into a success, I believe all of us should consider what Buck believes to be the appropriate location and trust his reasons.
JAB  ( August 5, 2008)
I went once to the Market on the Lake... NEVER again.. too busy, too crowded.. no room to look at anything.. I went to Central Park... Great location.. If I want to shop on Main St... I will, the Market isn't going to make me do that!

  ( August 5, 2008)
There is a wise old adage that goes something like this... the customer is always right.
  ( August 5, 2008)
Firstly, let me say I am thrilled we have a Farmer's Market and the boost it has given to the downtown core has been fantastic. HOWEVER, I am in complete agreement that there is more business in Kenora than just the downtown core. It's a no brainer that the traffic during the construction phase has been a killer, for many. I work in the construction industry and moving trucks to sites during this time has certainly not been a boost to our income and bottom line. No, we just suck it up, wait for the promised improvements and hope for the best. Take the Market to Central Park Council, for once, listen to the your constituents.
Mike  ( August 4, 2008)
Without a doubt there has been some major inconvenience for many. Even without construction the small tent is too small. But without a viable downtown Kenora is not going to be a tourist destination. It will be a pit stop to the lake if we are lucky. Traffic is up in the downtown and most merchants are grateful as it allows most of them to avoid laying off more workers. Those of you talking about greedy merchants should get to know a few of them. Way more hours and generally less money than any government job and now we are expected to extend hours and be open Sunday too! Let us keep the few bones that get thrown our way please.
