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 Online Poll
Do you think Husky the Muskie should be visible from the Harbourfront (it's not)?
No   78     47%
Yes   87     53%
 Total Votes: 165

Comments   Add Your Own
Maxine  ( July 30, 2008)
Normally I hate to see trees cut down but there's no point in having Huskie the Muskie if it can't be seen. Perhaps the city could plants some trees somewhere else to make up for what gets cut down at McLeod Park. There was a comment "enough about the roundabout" and I understand why that was said since this topic has nothing to do with the roundabout but I think people in Kenora are just so frustrated with some of the stupid ways this council is wasting money that their frustration comes out no matter what topic is under discussion.
  ( July 30, 2008)
I am sorry to tell you trees WERE cut down to accommodate the roundabout. Not only trees but many shrubs and junipers were destroyed.
Amazed  ( July 30, 2008)
What a town! We whine that the forestry industry is dead and, as a result our livlihoods severely impacted and one giant weed has become such an issue? C'mon! Too bad a beaver couldn't fell it, but then, I suppose, we'd have a beaver ban...
Lisa  ( July 29, 2008)
WOW, I have never been so amazed at the time an energy people put into complaining. Can we not find positive ways to solve this problem. Nobody said anything about moving Husky the Musky. NO trees were cut down to make the roundabout! The trees were planted long ago with probably not much consideration as to how large they would grow to be or what they would block. Do you see trees growing around ANY city "mascot" not anywhere I have been and I have been across Canada coast to coast. It's a Manitoba Maple people, it is considered an invasive species and a noxious weed in some cities. They grow everywhere and quickly. Cut it down so that it will make people slow down and appreciate the Harbourfront, the gardens and the beauty of Kenora. Boo hoo to all you whiners and complainers and stick to the questions, enough about the bloody roundabout all ready!
Joe  ( July 28, 2008)
l agree with Richard move Husky the Muskie to the centre of the round about or even better put it on top of city hall since council dosen't listen to the people they just do what they want to do.
  ( July 28, 2008)
Take one look around... we are SURROUNDED by trees. Why do we suddenly become tree-huggers when it comes to this question? Seemed perfectly fine for the community to build a livelihood on cutting down trees AND I don't hear any complaints about a beautiful Balsam being cut down every year to grace Main Street at Christmas time. No one builds a landmark and then disguises it.
Mike  ( July 28, 2008)
Way to go with the positive comments folks. Keep up that attitude and we will be a joke, not a destination. Questions to be answered are, what is the value in the trees that would need to be removed. Is the view or shade they provide worth more than a view of the big fish? We have to put value in our trees as well as our landmarks. If it is a Manitoba maple cut it down. If it is an elm or willow perhaps trimming it would be more in order.
Rob  ( July 28, 2008)
There is no public areas to sit and enjoy the view in any case. The closest spot is Haps and you have look through seven rows of parked cars and traffic. The rest of the harbour is taken by the the city or province. Hospital, Courthouse, OPP, Boathouse, Shopper Drug Mart, City Hall. Why our these places on prime properties? We need a City Planner that has a degree is the subject! We need planning to help Kenora bring in visitors.
chris  ( July 27, 2008)
Husky the Muskie looks great where it is. It has been there for a long time. "Leave it Alone". Kenora looks silly enough with the new roundabout and with Husky the Muskie at least we have one good attraction!
  ( July 26, 2008)
This is ludicrous. If people don't want Husky the Muskie to be seen, why not remove it altogether? Seriously, what would be the point of the Goodwill Geiser if it were cloaked in trees? C'mon folks... this is a no-brainer.
