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 Online Poll
Do you think there should be more government funding for low income housing?
No   72     50%
Yes   71     50%
 Total Votes: 143

Comments   Add Your Own
Chris  ( July 22, 2008)
I think there is enough housing in Kenora for low income families. I think there are too many condos as well. There are always houses for sale or rent. We should start using what we already have.
Mike  ( July 22, 2008)
I think that there should be more funding for low income families and individuals. There is a social and economic cost to having people on the street too.
concerned  ( July 22, 2008)
Maybe if the local reserves did not ban their own people off the reserves, there would not be so many hanging out around the mall, post office and green space across the street. They have a place to go if their reserves would take them back and look after their own.
Richard  ( July 21, 2008)
We live in Canada, not the U.S. They think of our country as a 'Socialist' regime as we are taxed very high and the government looks after everyone's well-being. I happen to think that's one of the great things about our country. Yes, we need to provide housing for those who need it. If you're reading this, you probably don't need it nor can you walk a mile in 'their' shoes. Provide housing, help people, build better communities. It's money well spent. Remember the old saying, "There but by the grace of god go I". Think about it.
high mortgage  ( July 21, 2008)
Maybe for middle income too! I work hard but after my mortgage payment, I have little left over.
Paula  ( July 21, 2008)
The people on the street with addictions and mental health issues are totaly different than people that want to work and need help. Addictions and mental health require a different strategy and support. In my view, hard core alcoholics (like we see downtown) are not bad people, but are self destructive.
Paula  ( July 20, 2008)
Once it starts it only goes on and on and the government can never provide enough. The best bet is to help working people with subsidized day care and organized sports for the kids. Housing, heating, electricity, maintenance, replacement, administration, staffing - its all too much for taxpayers and government.
LENNY  ( July 19, 2008)
I think most people think Kenora is a fun town and for the most part they're right, but I see a lot of homeless wayword souls that need a good place to sleep and a good meal. The government should help out. The GST collected each year could put the homeless in a nice home.
