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Should the city demand two-officer OPP patrols during evenings in the city?
No   103     57%
Yes   78     43%
 Total Votes: 181

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Mike  ( June 17, 2010)
Can we please get over the KPS issue. They are gone!! You tried, you fought a good fight and you lost. I wasn't swayed hard one way or the other but the decision has been made so let's move on! The OPP are very visible in our community and many of the same officers are patroling the streets with new cars and new uniforms. Lets try to work WITH them.
Randy  ( June 16, 2010)
Too bad the city couldn't demand that the OPP go away and the KPS return to it's two man units. I mean this OPP is kinda freakin the locals out...don't you feel now like your every move is being watched?...don't you feel somewhat intimidated with all the cars , and the way they travel in packs? Don't you feel like your doing something wrong when you know your not? And don't you think that the OPP should be out catching the real criminals in this city rather than the honest citizen who may roll through a stop sign. I sure wish I had a video camera the other day when I witnessed an OPP car rolling through a stop sign. I myself have a real disdain for the OPP. Have they helped reduced crime in this city? I don't see it, and as a matter of fact I truly think that crime and racial tensions are getting worse. I can say with the utmost certainty that had the KPS and it's two officer system responded to the domestic dispute last week in the downtown core, a shooting would never have taken place and the uneasy tense feelings we all are experiencing as we await the fallout, would not be as prevelant as they are now.
To The Person Who Wants Everyone To Believe We Are Safer  ( June 16, 2010)
When someone gets shot, that isn't safer, that's worse.
  ( June 16, 2010)
At the OCCPS meeting I recall Rhonda Kelly ( Grand Council Treaty 3 Justice Coordinator)doing her best to explain that all of the progress made between them and the KPS would be lost if the switch was made. I recall Jim Chicago cautioning the panel to walk slowly through their decision which would affect his children's children. I recall Lee-Anne Carver making a plea for the benefit of marginalized people in memory of Mary Turtle. I also recall Nancy Morrison pleading for someone to listen to her wisdom and concern. What didn't seem to be important enough then (because ego and agenda appeared to be priority) is now front and center at the expense of two women who will suffer the rest of their lives.
  ( June 16, 2010)
How can the city demand anything? We forfeited our control when our council gave it away to the province. (Two member patrols means twice the money anyway). I am so relieved Councilor McCann picked the best model for the community... where would we be without his foresight? He liked that there were more cars on the streets (not more officers, just more cars).
Chris  ( June 15, 2010)
I feel we have enough OPP cars flying around town, stopping everyone for quotas and missing the real criminals. As far as the incident the police officer did the right thing-defended herself. If you were in that situation what would you do? Native or white it doesn't matter, I would have shot too!!!!
2bad  ( June 15, 2010)
demand? no but ask nice
  ( June 15, 2010)
This officer is being treated as a criminal instead of as a cop that was attacked by someone being threatened with a knife. Her life will never be the same. Nothing against the diminutive officer, but maybe hiring criteria should reconsider the size required to be effective in the field.
JDM  ( June 15, 2010)
Single officer cars work just fine. Every move is tracked by a dispatcher. It all comes down to if you aren't doing anything wrong, you dont have to worry. In the event of an incident there are double the cars to respond.
These individuals who break the law and then suffer the consequences deserve what they get.
Even though officers wear bullet proof vests, some of these are only bulletproof, not puncture proof. An object such as a knife can penetrate some body armour. Not only that, to use a knife involes no training and it doesnt require reloading when it is used. Thus it is a very dangerous weapon.
Forget about the crap you see on television about shooting the weapon out of a perpetrators hand, or just wounding them in the arm or leg. When attacked an officer has to make a split second decision and as per training and shoot for center mass ie the torso.
I applaude our local officers for the fine job of cleaning up the town. Keep up the good work.
Mike  ( June 15, 2010)
I think one officer per car is fine. It creates way more visibility and two officers can cover twice the area. If there is a domestic dispute or other type of typically violent incident or an area that has frequent violent incidence, two cars can be sent and have the officers arrive close to simultaneously.
