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 Online Poll
Are you or have you taken a winter vacation this year?
No   103     70%
Yes   45     30%
 Total Votes: 148

Comments   Add Your Own
JAB  ( March 3, 2010)
More and more negative comments from the citizens of Kenora... Sure glad I live here...When on vacation and I don't make a huge wage.. just smart with my monies....
ME  ( March 2, 2010)
Saved up and went to Vegas!
  ( March 2, 2010)
Winter vacations are definitely overrated. Thanks to winter vacations we had to deal with the H1N1. No thanks.
Patty  ( March 2, 2010)
With the price of everything nowadays who can afford to go on a holiday unless of course you come from money already or your getting paid a ridiculous wage.
Peter t  ( February 28, 2010)
Have you seen the price of pork and beans down town? A dollar ninty eight for a small can. I think we will find a way to Vac. here.....
mit61  ( February 27, 2010)
Currently unemployed, will probably enjoy summer vacation too.
TJG  ( February 25, 2010)
Trying to save for a day trip to Reddit.
