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Do you think Railway Street is the right location for the new ambulance centre?
No   149     82%
Yes   32     18%
 Total Votes: 181

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norman  ( February 25, 2010)
what I don't understand is the person representing kenora on the KDSB is not saying nothing. Maybe it's time to change the person representing Kenora as he sure is not listening to the will of the people. Wow sounds familiar with this council doesn't it
zoning  ( February 25, 2010)
Ambulance base across the street from propane storage? down the street from a fuel bulk station? close to railroad tracks and two controlled crossings? a steep hill to the west? in a swamp? brilliant! such common sense and foresight! what a great location!!!
  ( February 25, 2010)
I wonder if the people that voted "yes" are members of the KDSB just trying to make it look like some people do approve? And why have none of the "yes" people made their points known? If they are building new, why not tear down the building between the hospital and clinic and build there? Location is appropriate, just not the current building.
WR  ( February 24, 2010)
Negative points?! 1. Building in a swamp. 2. Uncertainty of the ability to get across the tracks to the east. 3. Placing an ambulance bay between a rail yard and a propane storage facility doesn't sound safe or smart.
Benefits?! Well . . . the land owner would make a whole lot of money for selling a swamp. Did they run out of swamp land in Florida to sell? How many ambulance crews work per shift? Maybe we should have an ambulance based at the Keewatin Fire Hall and one based at the old Kenora Fire Hall?
Died waiting for an ambulance?  ( February 24, 2010)
I don't think enough has been spent on consulting yet, wait a bit longer it may end up at Silver Lake next to the dump.
  ( February 24, 2010)
Railway Street is far too busy to consider for the ambulance base. The vehicular traffic, pedestrians, bicyclists are all trying to access this narrow, bumpy, curved and ditch-filled road; with the train crossing on top of it all, it is a recipe for disaster!
Lenny  ( February 22, 2010)
It is very clear that the placement of the ambulance centre is a (forgone conclusion). Look that up in the dictionary. You'll see it clearly.
Dave  ( February 22, 2010)
This is the worst possible location. Have you noticed lately the number and length of the freight trains and the amount of time the crossing below Beaver Brae is blocked? A call to Beaver Brae, or anywhere north of the tracks, would require the ambulance to go all the way back through town to get there. If you notice the fire trucks at all, they go all the way through town to get to that area. Even though it would be faster, they can't run the risk of the crossings being blocked. The land itself is questionable, its a freakin swamp!! Additional drainage and waterproofing will escalate construction costs. Ambulances don't need to be based at the hospital, they need to be able to get to the patient and then to the hospital the quickest route. The new fire hall area would make sense, but that ship has sailed.
st  ( February 22, 2010)
It should have been built in conjunction with the new fire hall. Many cities have paramedics and firefighters working together.
Dianne Little  ( February 22, 2010)
We have a logical place for the Ambulance Center, it is called the old Fire Hall. It was good enough for the fire trucks for how many years and with a little fixing up it would be good enough for the ambulance service. Of course this would be logical, OOPS, I used a word our city council does not recognize, logical. Disgusted Di
