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Will you be watching the Olympics on TV?
Extensively   43     34%
Not at all   26     20%
Occasionally   59     46%
 Total Votes: 128

Comments   Add Your Own
Cynical in Kenora  ( February 18, 2010)
Build it and they will come. Personally I think many people follow the Olympics (and many organized sports) the same way as cult members followed Jim Jones. I heard tickets were being scalped for up to $1000.00 each. Nobody's forcing me to go or to watch so I have no complaints. It would be interesting to see the economic bottom line to see whether sports or the economy is the real event.
Mike  ( February 18, 2010)
It may be true that millions are spent that COULD go to homelessness or food banks but it probably wouldn't anyway. If the Olympics are a waste of money then so are arts programs and symphonies. It has become overblown and very commercial, but if you can't feel a little pride when one of our citizens takes to the podium there probably isn't much that makes you happy anyway.
RH  ( February 17, 2010)
My god people, when does the whining and negativity end. I guess all those that think the money would have better been spent on the disadvantaged must be giving every spare penny to charity instead of buying something extravagant for themselves. NOT. And if the Olympics were held in this area and had created thousands of full time jobs for the past four years as it has in BC, I'll bet you wouldn't have had a problem with that, right. It's a great event that gives thousands of our youth, athletes to lookup to and something to strive for. It's just a shame our government doesn't do more to support minor athletics that produces great athletes.
Lenny  ( February 17, 2010)
I like the down hill racing before this all turned into a quarrel instead of a quorum.
Anna  ( February 17, 2010)
The Feds are spending hundreds of millions of our dollars on the Olympics. What benefits do we receive out here for that expenditure? Sure we may feel pride when one of our athletes wins a gold medal, but as a Canadian I would feel more pride if that money went help the disadvantaged, the poor, the elderly and the sick. We don't need more medals...we need more hospitals, doctors and medical treatment facilities.
Just a thought  ( February 17, 2010)
Wow! Everyone blaming Canada for a historical event that is held worldwide and it just happens to be in Canada this year. I am surprised that no one has blamed our local council yet. Perhaps there actually is a poll question that cannot be turned onto Kenora's city council. I am not an economy know-it-all, but I am sure that the tourists coming into Canada for this event must be generating some revenue? There would still be poverty even without the olympics. How is money being taken away from certain budgets and programs to pay for this event? If anyone has actual facts to support their economical comments on here, it would be great to hear them. Anyway, I think that it is great that Canada gets a piece of today's stories and tomorrow's history.
bob  ( February 16, 2010)
Economically, they created jobs out west. There's food vendors, truck drivers, construction materials etc..
TJG  ( February 16, 2010)
I have to say its kind of bad timing,so many people are just getting by. Canada could have done so much with all that money. Oh well, thats why the rich run this country I guess.
bob  ( February 16, 2010)
Maybe they should have used the money to bomb the hell out of the Taliban. Too much negativity about the Olympics.
C.  ( February 16, 2010)
If you don't like Vancouver having the Olympics which the whole world is watching, then I guess your nose will really be out when Toronto gets to spend 3/4 of a billion dollars for the Pan Am Games which is like a 4th rate track meet.
