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Do you think the city staff are doing a good with snow removal?
No   88     51%
Yes   86     49%
 Total Votes: 174

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Laughing in Keewatin  ( February 4, 2010)
Thanks to Donnie and Dennis for the good work they do in Keewatin. (Hope the "City of Kenora Citizen" doesn't start frothing at the mouth again at the mention of Keewatin). Glenn M. you're right - you have to laugh.
  ( February 4, 2010)
I do not have a problem with the plowing of the roads, however the sidewalks are a different story. The crew doing the night-time plowing push the snow all over the sidewalks, which makes walking difficult. Most of the sidewalks are slippery, icy and hazardous. Great work on the roads, but try to keep up the sidewalks for us older folks!
Maxine  ( February 3, 2010)
I think the crews are doing the best they can. They can only do what council allows them to do. I've slid through a few intersections even though going slow but we had rain, then cold and snow so of course intersections will be bad. I've seen lots of sand laid down on these intersections but it doesn't stay with the wind and people zipping through at a higher than necessary speed. This is an opportunity to also say thank you to all snowplow drivers who are able to plow past driveways without plugging them full of snow. My sore back and old heart thank you too.
  ( February 2, 2010)
Hats off to the crews who tirelessly do a super job subduing Mother Nature... that is a lady no one can tame.
123  ( February 2, 2010)
People should quit complaining. If you don't like the snow, go south.
TJG  ( February 2, 2010)
I dont know where all these people get the idea that Kenora took up flashlights in the middle of the night and invaded Keewatin. If you look back a few years you will see that his lordship Mike Harris did this for you.I dont like it, you dont like it, so who voted for that moron. Not me! Grow up
Glen Morrison  ( February 2, 2010)
I stand corrected thanks for the update on the grooves. It made sense to me. LOL By the way we are over the Kenora thing in Keewatin but we are trying to lull you into a false sense of security, then we are going to make our move to take over what was called Kenora and change it to the new and rightfull name of Keewatin. Have a good day Kenora. Glad some of us still have a sense of humour.
Dole  ( February 1, 2010)
If the grooves are there to hold the sand, the tires will still only be in contact with the top of the ridges . . . and not even touching the sand. I know we went from slush to deep freeze in a hurry. I assume that is a major part of the problem. With the exception of making the roads slipperier than they need to be with the grooves and "shaving", I think the city does a very good job of removing the snow in a timely fashion.
bob  ( February 1, 2010)
When we had the KPS, they could contact anyone about where they needed the sander. Now with OPP they can't talk to public works or hydro or sewer&water or the steamer crew. Now when the workers are done they can't check with the police to see where they are needed, so the driver goes home. This council has taken this city back 20 years in comunications.
norman  ( February 1, 2010)
The grooves are from the ice blades they use to scrape off the ice, not to hold the sand. People have tried talking to this council but get no reply. Look at all the handicapped parkng on Main. You can't park there cause when they plow, that,s where all the snow ends up cause it wasn't designed properly – but hey..it looks good on paper.
