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Do you think we are becoming overly protective of our children? Yes or No.
No   38     29%
Yes   95     71%
 Total Votes: 133

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Redneck  ( January 27, 2010)
The lifestyle of kids nowadays is so incredibly different from when I was young. The big issue I see is there is not enough work for our kids to do in terms of chores. And to me with chores comes learned responsibilities. And when your kid is responsible you trust them far more to do the right thing. I grew up on a farm and we burned wood. Anybody that has been around either of those things realizes how much work was involved. When we did have idle time it was spent playing baseball in a field or riding bikes because we lived in the country and the closest neighbor was miles away. Half the time my parents had no clue where I was but the trusted me. But nowadays we live in town and we are much richer than our parents. We have all the amenities with washers and dryers, dish washers, take out foods, snow blowers and indoor plumbing and it is making life far too easy. So we are ending up with kids that sit around far too much with nothing to do and therefore seem lazy and dumb. And with lazy means we coddle them to much as we try to provide the things we wanted as kids but couldn’t get. Remember it’s not a bad thing for your kids to work and to want for something. It’s that desire that makes them productive.
Mortimer  ( January 26, 2010)
In some areas parents can be ridiculously over protective and the same parents can be ridiculously under protective in other areas. It's like the swinging pendulum, over compensating for areas where they are lax.
RH  ( January 25, 2010)
The world is only scarier now because you hear about it everytime you turn around. Everything mentioned has een around forever, except meth, but there was LSD and acid in our day. You can talk to your kids 'til your blue in the face and hope they listen to at least a portion and make good decisions, unfortunately,many things they have to learn on their own. Experience is the best teacher. You do something and hurt yourself, you either learn to do it better or don't do it again.
Kevin  ( January 25, 2010)
The world is a scary place now, and for kids to make their own choices is just wrong. Most kids think they are street smart and they simply just aren't mature enough to make some of these choices. Crack, Meth, Pot, Liquor, Sex, and especially peer pressure from their friends make for some extremely poor choices. I always said, where are the parents? when things go wrong. Now I`m one of them.
Open your eyes people.
Lenny  ( January 24, 2010)
Well, my boys would lay in the back window area sunning themselves while I barrelled down the road doin 120km, or standing up close to the dash so they could see the road better. Now as I look back I realize they were as lucky as I was stupid. But to answer, you can never be to careful, remember!! there is a stranger among us.
Petert  ( January 24, 2010)
Baby boomers think about it when you grew up we had black and white tv played on the streets hockey on beaver ponds..spent time in the bush playing tag footbal....smy answer is yes...
Heather  ( January 23, 2010)
There are just as many molesters, abductors, diseases and murderers as there were in the 70s. Now the media is pounding this fear into us that things are worse - when they aren't. We place our kids in this bubble to try and protect them and don't let them experience the whole of life with the joys of the ups (we don't want them too excited!) and the heartache of the downs (they need to have a "happy" childhood). No wonder the only violence on the rise is adolescent violence - they have a whole childhood to make up for before they become adults.
TJG  ( January 22, 2010)
Its a terrible state we are in. Children can't even cross the street without the aid of a crossing guard. When I was in school, we were told the proper way to go about this without getting killed. Don't let them see a cigarette at the local store or for sure they will become smokers. So much gear on to attend the local rink they can't move. Mitts on in Aug. We are protecting them to death. What are these kids going to do when they leave home at 35? Lighten up ladies, they they have to scrape a knee now and again. They will make it. They are not made of glass and this is not the Bronx.
RH  ( January 22, 2010)
Back in the 60's and 70's things were no more dangerous then they are now. But unlike back then, with all the media sources and how they blow every little thing out of proportion we hear it all and of course we want to protect our children from any harm. The effect is that many kids are being prevented from experiencing many enjoyable things of childhood and are becoming ill prepared to face the real world in their adolescence and adulthood. Parents need to lighten up a little and let their kids do things we did as kids. Video games are a poor substitute teacher for life.
