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Do you think you can maintain your monthly Hydro costs when new smart meters are introduced?
No   59     53%
Yes   53     47%
 Total Votes: 112

Comments   Add Your Own
hj  ( January 23, 2010)
First of all, our hydro does not come from Manitoba. Next, Hydro One does not own the power dams – Ontario Power Generation does, and the goverment has introduced HST – not hydro?
Mike  ( January 19, 2010)
Most newer washers and dishwashers have delay settings on them to allow for off-peak hours. Peak hours are determined by demand which is usually business hours and slightly beyond. A little conservation would do us all good. What would really make our hydro bills go up would be having to build a new hydroelectric or other power generating station. As for the old hydro debt....I agree that it is a farce. Otherwise they would put the debt on our bills and how much is left and when it is expected to be paid off!
Lenny  ( January 18, 2010)
Yes im sure we all will. It just takes a little courage to move forward and onward people. Peace
Glen  ( January 18, 2010)
Well Cathy, the question was could we maintain the cost. I had no choice but say yes because we all have no alternative but to pay. If we don't we will all be gone.
Josie  ( January 18, 2010)
Listen up folks! There was an excellent article in the Miner & News in September, 2009 by the News Editor and he stated that Hydro One will be applying electricity delivery rate increases to kick in Jan. 1, 2010 at 9.5% and Jan. 1, 2011 at 13.3%. Kenora Hydro buys power from Hydro One and so it is inevitable that Municipal Kenora Hydro rates will also go up. On top of that the Provincial Government through its harmonized sales tax is going to be adding 8% to every electrical bill come July 1, 2010.So, for those of you who really think there will be no increase in your hydro costs,you had better check your new hydro bills.
n/a  ( January 18, 2010)
Just curious what the "peak hours" are? I am guessing they are after 5 when most people are home from work....
HC  ( January 18, 2010)
Dave..you always take a shot at Council, so will you be putting your name in and running for the position?
Cathy  ( January 17, 2010)
The poll shows 56% of respondents believe there will not be a hydro cost increase for their home. I would like these people to explain to us non believers how they believe that can be accomplished. This is another MrGuinty scheme to suck more money out of citizens, just like the HST. I can't wait for the next provincial election.
Dale Pearson  ( January 16, 2010)
With the loss of so much Industry, Hydro has come up with another way of creative income. Why don`t they cutback and lay off like the rest of the economy? Why are we paying so much for Hydro when there is a surplus? I have 3 Dams that produce electricity within 30 miles of my home and yet I get my Hydro Electricity from Manitoba.
gORD  ( January 16, 2010)
Maybe if Hydro got rid of half of their sunshine club members we could afford it and maintain our current rate. But we will have to pay more for the pleasure of supporting the overpaid Hydro workers and face the debt reduction charge till we die, and our kids die and their kids.
