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Are you concerned about parliament being prorogued until after the Olympics?
No   74     65%
Yes   39     35%
 Total Votes: 113

Comments   Add Your Own
lenny  ( January 11, 2010)
All this talk bout perogies is making me hungry. Can we get to a new comment please.
Jack  ( January 10, 2010)
I'm glad Harper prorogued parliament. It's not good for my blood pressure watching CBC every night feature socialist/commies BooB Rae and Ujjal Dosanjh so they can call our brave troops in Afghanistan war criminals. I say good on you Harper. Good on you.
TJG  ( January 10, 2010)
Where they back from summer hollidays already?
Not so dumb  ( January 9, 2010)
What in the heck does the proroguing of parliament have to do with the Olympics?
Bill  ( January 9, 2010)
It's the media that is making such a big deal of the Conservatives proroguing parliament. Pierre Trudeau prorogued parliament and Jean Chretien did so, four times, Feb 5/96, Sep 8/99, Sep 16/02 and Nov 12/03. In doing so, they also killed any bills which were in the works. Our Loyal Opposition isn't saying too much about it, just the CBC.
Josie  ( January 8, 2010)
Just because parliament is prorogued does not mean to say the work stops. The wheels keep on turning. I agree with Redneck wholeheartedly that the childish bickering has to stop, because nothing can be accomplished. It looks like the other parties want power even though they are not capable, and if that is the case, all they need to do is get themselves a majority and they can be boss, but not right now while the country may still be in crisis due to the economic downturn. Oh yes, with Ignatieff in France and Layton snorkeling down in the Bahamas they are nowhere to be seen to help with the economy, are they?
Glen Morrison  ( January 8, 2010)
I am not to sure how anyone could not be concerned. This is twice that this Government has done this. When will this be enough? I was lead to believe this was not a procedure that was used very much. At a time of record unemployment and taxpayers money being thrown around, who exactly is looking after the sheep.
Redneck  ( January 8, 2010)
I don’t hear the opposition parties complaining much about the break either, just our Liberal loving CBC and their so called expert panel (which is only worth watching because you know Rex Murphy is coming on next). I sure can’t blame Harper for doing it though. The Liberals, NDP and the Bloc have turned the Parliament into a pathetic gong show where there is nothing but bickering going on and competition for sound bites for the media. I think Harper deserves to be in power simply because the other parties are to spiteful to even have consideration for the job. Maybe with the break they can actually come up with some ideas on their own. The opposition parties have nothing to offer us normal taxpaying Canadians; they just feel they deserve to be in power. And I think Rickford has been awesome for our area and will defiantly vote for him again.
RH  ( January 7, 2010)
Gives us another two month break from listening to the childish bickering and adolescent antics that goes on there. And guess what, the world keeps turning. I just think that the MPs wages sould be reduced during this time since they are only working part-time. Lets say 60% and reduction in benifits.
