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What are your expectations of 2010 as compared to 2009?
Better   64     45%
Same   30     21%
Worse   47     33%
 Total Votes: 141

Comments   Add Your Own
gmg  ( January 7, 2010)
I'm with you Mike. These people are far too negative. Let's be positive here. Let's positively restore the forestry industy. Let's positively give jobs to all those poor guys that lost theirs. Do you live under a rock? I hope they have a great trip on that road west, which incidentally needs to be replaced. Jobs maybe?
fedup  ( January 6, 2010)
Mike. Sounds like you have a good job or employ the working poor, good for you!
Peter t  ( January 6, 2010)
Dear Mike you sound like such a nice guy.. I am sure you have some type of dream job working for daddy ? Spend some time wearing another man's shoes and pound the pavement looking for work the last year and a half. I am sure your doing well, and I hope that when you reach the 50 plus mark, you do not have start over. Remember there are a lot of folks in Kenora having a tough time. Let me know if daddy has extra work.
Mike  ( January 6, 2010)
Well "Peter" and "Fedup" and other negative commenters, the highway west is wide open. Feel free to use it permanently! Makes for a better and more positive collective conciousness here in Kenora. Have a nice trip!
RH  ( January 5, 2010)
If all the efforts being put into the negative attitudes were redirected into trying to better our community, what a wonderful world it would be. With all the upgrades to downtown and those to come, Kenora is poised for great things. But only with the support of the whole community. If you continue to expect the worst, that's exactly what you get. You want better, then step up and make it better. I know the pessimists are going to trash my comment as "dreaming", but those of us that want a better place to live must make it a better place to live. As for council, like it or not it was voted in by a democratic vote, they work with what they've got, you want more, voluntarily pay more taxes and they can work miracles.
Fedup  ( January 5, 2010)
No hope here... get out of Dodge! get a Mcjob and starve.
Peter t  ( January 5, 2010)
Still cannot find work in our fair city, so as the song says its time to be moving on. Looking for the green green grass of home Alberta ?
Just a regular citizen  ( January 5, 2010)
I think we all need to be believers of "life is what you make it!". As a community we have alot to look forward to this upcoming year. We have a local resident partcipating in the Olympics! How cool is that!? The new year has already been a postive one with the Torch coming through our town. There is also a city election. We can only hope that the right people are voted in, whether they be a current council member or a new one. If one does not like the way things are going this year then do something about it. There are some things in life that we do have control over! I for one, think this year could be a great one!
  ( January 3, 2010)
I expect a better council.
lenny  ( December 31, 2009)
I'm thinking T10 is great cause we're one year closer to paradise, well for most of us, and I hope
and Ipray it's like Kenora.
