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How does your Christmas spending compare to previous years?
Less   85     49%
More   36     21%
Same   52     30%
 Total Votes: 173

Comments   Add Your Own
  ( December 21, 2009)
Linda. because they did and now they don't so many of them, not all, have to complain about everything instead of putting their efforts into making Kenora a great place to live and raise a family, like it is.
  ( December 21, 2009)
After reading these responses, maybe we should consider spending more this year...
spend your charity on those who have none;
spend your time among the forgotten;
spend your heart on a friend (or a stranger);
spend forgiveness on an adversary;
spend yourself on behalf of the poor;
spend your quiet at the knee of the suffering;
spend your faith in the eyes of a child
and your hope at the door of someone's despair.
Invest all the goodness you forgot you had, the act is never wasted. It costs nothing,
and is worth everything.
Merry Christmas.
Merry CHRISTMAS  ( December 20, 2009)
CHRISTMAS is not all about how much you spend. Jesus is the reason for the season. It is the thought that counts and not how much the gift cost you.
The True Concerned Kenorite  ( December 20, 2009)
We will be spending the same as we have the past few years. The wife and I have always set a budget for each person and stuck to it. We have a baby on the way but we have budgeted so that we can still buy for everyone that we want to buy for. As for those dissing the mill employees, you really need to grow up. The mill has been gone for 4+ years now. The mill employees worked hard for their money and they had a union that ensured that they earned a salary that they deserved based on their employer's profits. Any good union would do the same.
the true spirit  ( December 20, 2009)
Why R.H. do you still diss the millworkers? They have moved on, were you jealous? Celebrate the true meaning of Christmas, not the commercialism and monetary issues and look forward to positive steps for Kenora in "10".
Linda  ( December 20, 2009)
To R.H. why do you and a lot of other people think mill employee's made so much money, I get very upset when I hear people like you who complain about money. Like you just said, it's not about the high priced toy's, it the spirit and meaning of Chrismas that matters. Just to refresh your memory, the mill has been closed down for 4 1/2 years. GET OVER IT.
STAN  ( December 20, 2009)
I'll be spending less this year because money is too tight. Besides, the best things to give at Christmas are: your attention, your time, your love, your happiness and, your shoulder. The main street merchants can't hold a candle to that! And if they could, you'll find that they have it all way over-priced! Cheaper in Winnipeg!
lenny  ( December 20, 2009)
Xmas is manmade anyway. The spirit of fellowship & family gatherings should exist all year (the true gift giving meaning was lost in pagan rituals long ago).
Peace to all.
Mike  ( December 20, 2009)
Just cuz people spend less money does not make them any less giving. Plenty of gifts can be gifts of time or homemade gifts. We are the only ones who put pressure on ourselves to buy, buy, buy! Christmas is just as much fun even when it costs less.
RH  ( December 20, 2009)
Now all those former overpaid millrats are learning how the rest of us lived. Now maybe you will realize that Christmas is far more than "who can buy their kids the biggest toy". Enjoy the season for what it is supposed to be and stop worrying about how many gifts are under the tree and share your time with those that you love.
