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Why do Kenora’s young athletes excel in out-of-town competitions?
Coaching   35     28%
Community support   18     14%
The water   39     31%
Upbringing   33     26%
 Total Votes: 125

Comments   Add Your Own
Mike  ( December 9, 2009)
The question would imply that our athletes do less well at competitions held in town. I do think that Kenorans do very well in competitions. Perhaps more attention is paid to winning than just having fun. Perhaps quality coaching is the main reason. Whatever the reason, I hope kids continue to compete for personal development and to make friendships with competition and teammates alike.
Ryan K  ( December 7, 2009)
You have to compare apples vs apples. We have teams and individuals that do well when competing away from home for sure, and we also have some that don't do so well. Generically speaking, the highest skilled atlhetes and teams tend to travel the most and thus stories of success are easy to come by. Our paper has a regular slot for any swimming or judo accomplishment yet many many sporting accomplishments are never profiled. I think our kids do as well as everyone else, no better, no worse.
Because  ( December 4, 2009)
Because these competitions are held out of town.
