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Does the creation of regional non-elected organizations like LHINs and district services boards benefit Ontarians?
No   89     86%
Yes   15     14%
 Total Votes: 104

Comments   Add Your Own
Redneck  ( November 19, 2009)
Yet another example of people full of self importance and no common sense. Just like the management of the big companies now in financial trouble they feel entitled to the large salaries because they feel that were hired to make the hard decisions. Not wanting to admit or be aware of the fact that their salary is a contributing factor in the degradation of the front line services they were hired in the first place to protect. Absolutely disgraceful. There should be a salary cap on these types of jobs and a volunteer board which has absolute power over the individuals to keep them from becoming corrupt
Jack  ( November 18, 2009)
More bureaucratic empire building. These unelected, unresponsive bodies do nothing constructive and are only an added burden to Ontario taxpayers. At least politicians can be turfed out by voters but these organizations grow like cancer no matter how incompetent and useless they become.
Freedom 55  ( November 18, 2009)
I agree. These organizations are all talk and really don't resolve anytning. There are still lots of (orphans) those without a family doctor in Kenora. And if you try to phone the local clinic to see if they are accepting new patients yet. (where they are doing a 4 million dollar upgrade by our tax money) you still get treated like...(well not very nice).
Concerned  ( November 17, 2009)
No question that the Kenora District Services Board is a money sucking organization. The municipalities subsidize the freeloading unorganized territories.
Linda  ( November 16, 2009)
Well put Dave. You have said it all!!!!!
Gord  ( November 14, 2009)
Just another level of government, more hogs to the trough, that we the taxpayer must support.
lenny  ( November 14, 2009)
What Dave says has a point, but it seems like a good idea to the ones that get those positions. For lack of a better word, its job stimulus.
Taxpayer  ( November 13, 2009)
I agree with Dave as having these organizations takes away the dollars that should be earmarked for the frontline staff and programs that they were intended for. Instead a select few are making big dollars and not accomplishing anything but raising our taxes again...
Dave  ( November 13, 2009)
These creations are done under the guise of providing better, more efficient and economical service. However, they are just another level of bureaucracy.
Every time one of these agencies are created, there are more staff of all levels hired, more office space needed and of course to the end consumer/tax payer more costs and aggravation.
