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 Online Poll
Do you support the private member's motion to eliminate the registration of legal rifles and shotguns?
No   47     24%
Yes   153     77%
 Total Votes: 200

Comments   Add Your Own
Gun Owner  ( November 12, 2009)
It seems to me after reading the comments on this question that the pro registry people are the ones to be looked at. Very angry people, good thing they dont have guns!
Bob  ( November 12, 2009)
So if you're shot with a registered gun, does that mean you won't die?
Mike  ( November 12, 2009)
I think most people are not opposed to registering guns as are opposed to our government wasting a billion dollars and a lot of time. This was supposed to cost something like 10 million to put in place. There are still a lot of unregistered weapons out there. Scrap the money pit, use what you have that works well and register all newly purchased weapons at the point of sale.
Randy  ( November 12, 2009)
Not sure why all these "gun nuts" are so adamant about having to register their killing weapons. I don't hunt, but I'm thinking that they'll spend less registering their weapon than they would buying the latest fashion gear at Cabela's. Making it more difficult for criminals to obtain rifles is not a bad thing people...
GM  ( November 12, 2009)
Cars kill,S wine flu kills, would you like to name more.
Ernie  ( November 11, 2009)
I wonder how many opposed to registering guns would change their tune if their neighbour or co-worker (perhaps suffering from mental illness which strikes 10% of the population) threatened to kill them and or their family. Or if their daughter's ex-husband threatened to kill her. I am sure they would be beside themselves asking the police to put a restraining order against the guy AND take away any guns.
  ( November 11, 2009)
Rules... you mean about weapons that kill? Yikes... what were they thinking????
GM  ( November 10, 2009)
I have just had it with more rules. Every time we turn around, another rule. How about let's fix a problem not create a new one. We have a few to fix. Take your pick.
fisher  ( November 10, 2009)
Maxine said it very well!
Ernie  ( November 9, 2009)
First, I have to laugh when I hear that most crimes are committed by handguns - really? Perhaps people should read the newspapers and not watch tv.
Most murders of law-abiding citizens and POLICE if done with a firearm are done with shotguns and rifles. The four mounties in Alberta were killed by rifles and two men who supplied them were arrested. If the guns aren't licenced, anyone with a FAC could purchase hundreds of guns and supply them to gangs with no chance of getting caught.
And saying that hunters are law-abiding. I guess we don't need conservation officers then! It must be the gangsters out in the woods illegally shooting animals.
