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 Online Poll
Where would you advise your children to seek employment?
Large private corporation   47     17%
Other   58     21%
Public Service   78     28%
Small business   50     18%
Their own business   48     17%
 Total Votes: 281

Comments   Add Your Own
The True Concerned Kenorite  ( November 16, 2009)
There are lots of jobs available for youth. The problem is not the lack of jobs but the lack of work ethic from said youth. Far too many young people expect everything to be handed to them and expect to get into a role where they are making what they feel they are worth. Kids need to learn that they need to pay their dues and start at the bottom to work their way up.
 ( November 4, 2009)
Unfortunately, Kenora does not have big and booming metropolitan economy. Looking from the outside in.., we are a mere tourism and retirement city. I think the word 'Condo's" come to mind. This being said, our children to seek employment of an adequate salary with substantial longevity are forced to look beyond our city limits.
Redneck  ( November 4, 2009)
This is one of the most difficult decisions for parents to make. Particularly with the entire economy of the world changing before us. There is a huge exodus of manufacturing leaving Canada and going to Asia and just service jobs left to fill the void. The question is to find the niche jobs that will be in demand when the economy settles down and gets back into a rhythm. That is where we need to direct our kids. What troubles me are the small minded people that keep bashing Kenora. Almost as many opportunities here as anywhere but it does take a few years out of town to get proper training for any job. Lawyer, plumber, teacher, carpenter….the training is all out of town. So instead of whining about how Kenora is going to die why not try and do something about it? Make it a nice place to live and the kids will come back. Lots worse places in the world to raise your kids that here.
Freedom 55  ( November 4, 2009)
Have you ever tried to get a qualified trades person to come to your house in Kenora to fix something that is in urgent need of repair. Good Luck. Yes there is room here for more qualified trades persons with good customer service skills.
Mike  ( November 3, 2009)
Glen, you are welcome in my world. It simply involves a slight attitude adjustment. Smile and the world smiles with you!!
Glen Morrison  ( November 3, 2009)
Hey Mike I want to come live in your world!!!!!
Mike  ( November 2, 2009)
There is plenty of whining about nothing for young people here. All I heard when the mill was still running was..."Go get an education so you don't have to work in the mill" Now the pulp mill is gone and we are lamenting there is nothing for youth here? I think it is good for our young people to move away for a bit, get an education, and come back here to start your own business when you are ready to raise a family. Lots still here for a young person that actually wants to work.
Chris  ( November 1, 2009)
Trade of any kind...and not in Kenora! There is nothing here for our youth. My suggestion is to get a trade and get out of town...GO WEST or EAST COAST!
PAT  ( November 1, 2009)
I see a lot of Public Service bashing and it makes me angry! I spent all of my working career (about 40 years) in the Public Service and like any other area, there are good and bad employees. I am pleased to say that the vast majority care about their jobs and the people (the public) they work for. Keep in mind that their job is also to carry out the will of their political masters....elected by ...guess who....
Peter t  ( November 1, 2009)
I am going with other. Kenora does not seem to do to much to keep young folks here. Talking to my son and his friends, once its time to move into the work force, that's the time they will move from Kenora. I wonder how many other young people feel the same??
